Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.60:1707 Fracture toughness of boron/aluminum laminates with various proportions of 0° and ±45̊ plies 1
NAS 1.60:1708 Off-design performance loss model for radial turbines with pivoting, variable-area stators /
Off-design performance loss model for radial turbines with pivoting, variable-area stators
NAS 1.60:1709 MARS 1414 recorder environmental tests / 1
NAS 1.60:1710 Life analysis of multiroller planetary traction drive / 1
NAS 1.60:1711 Cognitive issues in head-up displays /
Cognitive issues in head-up displays
NAS 1.60:1712 Effects of conversation interference on annoyance due to aircraft noise / 1
NAS 1.60:1713 Low-pressure performance of annular, high-pressure (40-atm), high-temperature, (2480 K) combustion system /
Low-pressure performance of annular, high-pressure (40-atm), high-temperature, (2480 K) combustion system
NAS 1.60:1714 Lubrication of optimized-design tapered-roller bearings to 2.4 million DN / 1
NAS 1.60:1715 The time-space relationships of the data points (pixels) of the thematic mapper and multispectral scanner of "The myth of simultaneity" / 1
NAS 1.60:1716 Effect of hole geometry and electric-discharge machining (EDM) on airflow rates through small-diameter holes in turbine-blade material / 1
NAS 1.60:1717 Development and test results of a flight management algorithm for fuel-conservation descents in a time-based metered traffic environment /
Development and test results of a flight management algorithm for fuel-conservation descents in a time-based metered traffic environment
NAS 1.60:1718 Estimation of wing nonlinear aerodynamic characteristics at supersonic speeds
Estimation of wing nonlinear aerodynamic characteristics at supersonic speeds /
NAS 1.60:1720 Head-up transition behavior of pilots with and without head-up display in simulated low-visibility approaches / 1
NAS 1.60:1721 Calculation of three-dimensional unsteady transonic flows past helicopter blades
Calculation of three-dimensional unsteady transonic flows past helicopter blades /
NAS 1.60:1722 Spectral flame radiance from a tubular-can combustor /
Spectral flame radiance from a tubular-can combustor
NAS 1.60:1724 A comparative statistical study of long-term agroclimatic conditions affecting the growth of U.S. winter wheat : distributions of regional monthly average precipitation on the Great Plains and the State of Maryland, and the effect of agroclimatic conditions on yield in the state of Kansas. 1
NAS 1.60:1725 DIAL with heterodyne detection including speckle noise : aircraft/shuttle measurements of O₃, H₂O, and NH₃ with pulsed tunable CO₂ lasers / 1
NAS 1.60:1726 Atmospheric solar absorption measurements in the 9 to 11 um region using a diode laser heterodyne spectrometer
Atmospheric solar absorption measurements in the 9 to 11 [mu]m region using a diode laser heterodyne spectrometer /
NAS 1.60:1727 Long-time creep behavior of the niobium alloy C-103
Long-time creep behavior of the niobium alloy C-103 /
NAS 1.60:1728 Polytetrafluoroethylene transfer film studied with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy /
Polytetrafluoroethylene transfer film studied with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy