NB115 .L37 2016
The last statues of antiquity / |
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NB115 .M25 2013
The ceremonial sculptures of the Roman gods / |
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NB115 .M273 2008
The language of the muses : the dialogue between Roman and Greek sculpture / |
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NB115 .M288 2005
The Villa dei Papiri at Herculaneum : life and afterlife of a sculpture collection / |
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NB115 .M855 1999
Sculture di Roma antica : collezioni dei Musei capitolini alla Centrale Montemartini / |
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NB115 .N48 2022
Die neuen Bilder des Augustus : Macht und Medien im antiken Rom : Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg, 8. Oktober 2022 bis 15. Januar 2023 / |
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NB115 .N54 2022
Roman imperial portrait practice in the second century AD : Marcus Aurelius and Faustina the Younger / |
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NB115 .O925 2015
The Oxford handbook of Roman sculpture / |
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NB115 .P345 1993
Il Palazzo del Quirinale : catalogo delle sculture / |
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NB115 .P45 2007
Phidias in Rom : Beiträge zum spätantiken Kunstverständnis / |
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NB115 .P47 2005
The aesthetics of emulation in the visual arts of ancient Rome / |
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NB115 .P75 2001
Roman sculpture in the Art Museum, Princeton University / |
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NB115 .R47 1995
Restauri nei Musei capitolini : le sculture della Sala dei Magistrati e gli originali greci della Sala dei monumenti arcaici / |
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NB115 .R83 2007
Die Grossen dieser Welt : Kolossalporträts im antiken Rom / |
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NB115 .S2
Il ciclo statuario della basilica di Velleia. |
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NB115 .S365 1989
Römische Bacchusbilder in der Tradition des Apollon Lykeios : Studien zur Bildformulierung und Bildbedeutung in späthellenistisch-römischer Zeit / |
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NB115 .S43 2008
The sculptural environment of the Roman Near East : reflections on culture, ideology, and power / |
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NB115 .S664 1996
Il Museo Pio-Clementino / |
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NB115 .S67 1992
Die Skulpturenausstattung römischer Militäranlagen an Rhein und Donau : der obergermanisch-rätische Limes / |
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NB115 .S74 2004
Attalos, Athens, and the Akropolis : the Pergamene "Little Barbarians" and their Roman and Renaissance legacy / |
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