NB1912.T34 Z48 2016
Xi bu dao jiao zao xiang yi shu yan jiu = Study on the Taoist statue art in China west / |
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NB1912.T48 A35 2003
Tripurī kī Kalacuri kālīna Śaiva pratimāem / |
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NB1912.T73 B37 1993
El árbol de la vida : un estudio de iconografía visigoda : San Pedro de la Nave y Quintanilla de las Viñas / |
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NB1912.V57 S87 1999
Iconography of Vishnu from Khajuraho / |
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NB1912.V57 V57 1993
Vishnu in art, thought, and literature / |
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NB1920 .A35
Classical myths in sculpture. |
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NB1930 .A15 2004
500 figures in clay : ceramic artists celebrate the human form / |
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NB1930 .C63
Metamorphosis of a death symbol : the transi tomb in the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance. |
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NB1930 .E78 2021
Figuración primitiva : escultura contemporánea en México / |
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NB1930 .F413
Maids, madonnas & witches : women in sculpture from prehistoric times to Picasso / |
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NB1930 .F413 1961
Maids, madonnas & witches : women in sculpture from prehistoric times to Picasso / |
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NB1930 .F59 1998
The body in three dimensions / |
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NB1930 .F67 1995
The figure in American sculpture : a question of modernity / |
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NB1930 .H34 2000
On the perception of human form in sculpture : a history of figurative understanding / |
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NB1930 .H354 2007
Exploring the roots of human emotion in sculpture / |
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NB1930 .H38 1984
Have you seen sculpture from the body? |
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NB1930 .H86 2014
The human factor : the figure in contemporary sculpture / |
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NB1930 .I584 2018
Mensch! (Skulptur) : Internationale Tage Ingelheim 2018 / |
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NB1930 .L545 2018
Like life : sculpture, color, and the body / |
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NB1930 .O36x 2015
Ein anderer Zeitgeist : Positionen figürlicher Bildhauerei nach 1950 : Zwölf Bildhauerporträts / |
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