Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
NB1952.E76 D48 2001 | Khajuraho / | 1 |
NB1952.E76 P3 1989 | The erotic sculpture of Khajuraho / | 1 |
NB1952.E76 Q85 2012 | The erotic object : Sexuality in Sculpture from Prehistory to the Present Day. | 1 |
NB1952.E76 W45 1986 | Images of lust : sexual carvings on medieval churches / | 1 |
NB1952.E76 W45 1993eb | Images of lust : sexual carvings on medieval churches / | 1 |
NB1952.E89 | Eye and the Beholder : the Depiction of the Eye in Western Sculpture with Special Reference to the Period 1350-1700 and to Colour in Sculpture / | 1 |
NB1952.G46 B37 2018 | Gender, identity and the body in Greek and Roman sculpture / | 1 |
NB1952.G46 B37 2018eb | Gender, identity and the body in Greek and Roman sculpture / | 2 |
NB1952.L33 D24 1999 | Visualizing labor in American sculpture : monuments, manliness, and the work ethic, 1880-1935 / | 1 |
NB1952.L33 P82 1994 DVD | Public sculpture, America's legacy | 1 |
NB1952.S4 S38 2019 | Sculpture, sexuality and history : encounters in literature, culture and the arts from the eighteenth century to the present / | 1 |
NBB Ru,D | Not By Bread Alone. | 1 |
NC |
A Flower Wedding : Described by Two Wallflowers. Marcello Dudovich (1878-1962) : fotografia tra arte e passione = photography between art and passion / Los carteles de Tàpies y la esfera pública : Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona, 21 diciembre 2006-25 febrero 2007 : Diputació de València, Museu Valencià de la Il·lustració i de la Modernitat, Valencia, Primavera 2008 / Dibujo lo que veo : mente, mano, mirada / El manga y la animación japonesa La geometría de los cuentos : infografías literarias / 2024 IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Graph (ICKG) |
7 |
NC1 .A3213 | Mostra documentaria e iconografica dell'Accademia delle arti del disegno : catalogo : Firenze, Archivio di Stato, 3 febbraio-13 marzo 1963 : Accademia delle arti del disegno, celebrazioni del IV centenario. | 1 |
NC1 .A45 | Journal of the American Institute of Graphic Arts. | 1 |
NC1 C1672 2007eb | De lo bello de las cosas : materiales para una estética del diseño / | 1 |
NC1 .C3 |
Communication arts. CA. CA magazine. |
4 |
NC1 C5121 2001eb | El oficio de diseñar : propuestas a la conciencia crítica de los que comienzan / | 1 |
NC1 C5121 2005eb | La imagen corporativa : teoría y práctica de la identificación institucional / | 1 |
NC1 C546 2012eb | Diseño de calzado / | 1 |