Call Number (LC) Title Results
NB198 .V5 1966 Die Plastiken / 1
NB198 .W3 Twentieth century sculpture : selections from the collection. 1
NB198 .W45 2021 Negative space : trajectories of sculpture in the 20th and 21st centuries / 1
NB198 .W55 1968 1968 annual exhibition : contemporary American sculpture, December 17, 1968-February 9, 1969. 1
NB198 .W55 1971 1970 annual exhibition contemporary American sculpture, December 12, 1970-February 7, 1971. 1
NB198.3.M43 M43 2018 From Rodin to Plensa : modern sculpture at the Meadows Museum / 1
NB198.3.N37 W55 2004 Epitome of desire : the story of the Nashers of Texas and one of the world's greatest sculpture collections created by their passion and obsession for the best / 1
NB198.3.R67 M89 1982 The Billy Rose Sculpture Garden / 1
NB198.5.A2 R48 2016 Revolution in the making : abstract sculpture by women, 1947-2016 / 1
NB198.5.A7 A78 1984 Art deco sculpture : chryselephantine statuettes of the twenties and thirties / 1
NB198.5.A7 A78 1992 Art deco sculpture / 1
NB198.5.A7 D86 2016 Art deco sculpture / 1
NB198.5.C5 S765 1999 Cobra 3 dimensions : work in wood, clay, metal, stone, waste, polyester, bread, ceramics / 1
NB198.5.E6 C48 1998 Cheng shi di yan jing : shi jie jing guan diao su man tan / 1
NB198.5.J84 L43 2006 Collecting systems : learning book #001 : 4 projects / 1
NB198.5.K5 D38 2013 Pedro S. de Movellan : complete works : 1990-2012 / 1
NB198.5.K5 N4 New art : some recent New Zealand sculpture and post-object art / 1
NB198.5.M5 S6 Guggenheim international exhibition, 1971. 1
NB198.5.O8 S28 1989 Sculpture out of doors. 1
NB198.5.P42 A56 2018 Almost alive : hyperrealistische Skulptur in der Kunst : Kunsthalle Tübingen, 21. Juli - 21. Oktober 2018 = hyperrealistic sculpture in art : July 21st - October 21st, 2018 / 1