Call Number (LC) Title Results
NB198 .S353 Modern sculpture: origins and evolution / 1
NB198 .S355 1992 Contemporary public sculpture : tradition, transformation, and controversy / 1
NB198 .S357 7 + 5 sculptors in the 1950's : an exhibition / 1
NB198 .S38 2014 Sculpture after sculpture : Fritsch/Koons/Ray / 1
NB198 .S38 2016 Sculpture on the move : 1946-2016 / 1
NB198 .S39 1997 Sculpture : contemporary form and theory / 1
NB198 .S39 1997x Sculpture : contemporary form and theory / 1
NB198 .S4 Tradition and experiment in modern sculpture. 1
NB198 .S5 Chacun à son goût, eh Marcel? / 1
NB198 .S553 1984 Skulptur im 20. Jahrhundert / 1
NB198 .S558 2012 Skulpturales Handeln = Sculptural acts / 1
NB198 .S6 Guggenheim international exhibition, 1967 : sculpture from twenty nations. 1
NB198 .S85 2017 Sculptural materiality in the age of conceptualism : international experiments in Italy / 1
NB198 .S87 2011 Surreal objects : three dimensional works from Dalí to Man Ray / 1
NB198 .T3 Modern tendencies in sculpture. 1
NB198 .T4 An exhibition of sculpture and painting from the Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Ted Weiner at the Art Museum of the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, October 23 to November 27, 1966. 1
NB198 .T683 Form and space : sculpture of the twentieth century / 1
NB198 .T683 1968a Form and space : sculpture of the twentieth century. 1
NB198 .T684 Moderne Plastik von Auguste Rodin bis Marino Marini. 1
NB198 .T73 2001 La transparencia del origen. 1