Call Number (LC) Title Results
NB454 .M48 2011 European sculpture, 1400-1900, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art / 1
NB454 .M87 1994 Bronssculptuur : beeldhouwkunst 1500-1800 in de collectie van het Museum Boymans-van Beuningen = Bronze sculpture : sculpture from 1500-1800 in the collection of the Boymans-van Beuningen Museum / 1
NB454 .P46 1992 Catalogue of European sculpture in the Ashmolean Museum : 1540 to the present day / 1
NB454 .T66 2009 Scultura II / 2
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NB456 .H47 1991 Bildwerke des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts / 1
NB456 .N34 2009 Sculpture and enlightenment / 1
NB457 .B88 2000 European sculpture of the nineteenth century / 1
NB457 .D37 1974 Bildwerke um 1800 [i.e. achtzehnhundert] bis 1970 [i.e. neunzehnhundertsiebzig] / 1
NB457 .F54 2004 Figuration/abstraction : strategies for public sculpture in Europe, 1945-1968 / 1
NB457 .H86 1994 Carvings, casts & replicas : nineteenth-century sculpture from Europe & America in New England collections / 1
NB458 .E45 Modern European sculpture, 1918-1945 : unknown beings and other realities / 2
NB458 .F58 Five European sculptors / 1
NB458 .M2 Sculpture / 1
NB458 .N5 1962 Sculpture méditerranéenne : [exposition] saison 1962-1963, décembre-janvier / 1
NB458 .S4 Sculpture in Europe today. 1
NB458 .V4 Beispiele europäischer Plastik heute / 1
NB463 .A5 The medieval carver / 1
NB463 .A534 1977 The witch on the wall = Kvindekøn på kirkemure / 1
NB463 .B33 1996 England's earliest sculptors / 1
NB463 .B34 Viking age sculpture in northern England / 2