Call Number (LC) Title Results
NB588.W43 H3 1969 Skulpturen 1959-1969 / 1
NB588.W46 A4 1970 Hans Wimmer : Zeichnungen und kleine Plastik : Kunsthalle Mannheim, 13. Dezember 1969 bis 18. Januar 1970. 1
NB588.W49 W65 1999 Wolfgang Winter, Berthold Hörbelt / herausgegeben von Florian Matzner ; [Übersetzungen, Claudia Spinner, John S. Southard] 1
NB588.Z38 A4 2001 Holly Zausner : G-woman : Katalog zur Ausstellung : Wohnmaschine Berlin, 13.09.2001-10.11.2001 / 1
NB593.M4 K39913 Ivan Meštrović / 1
NB603.A97 S35 1970 Joannis Avramidis. 1
NB603.D56 A4 2014 Venia Dimitrakopoulou : Promahones / 1
NB603.K68 A4 2016 Jannis Kounellis / 1
NB603.L46 A4 2013 I am I between worlds and between shadows / 1
NB603.L46 A4 2013b Navigating in the dark / 1
NB603.S53 H6 1968 Hommage à Sklavos / 1
NB603.T3 A55 Takis : evidence of the unseen / 1
NB603.T3 A83 Takis : evidence of the unseen / 1
NB611 .D47 2002 Catalogue of Italian sculpture in the Detroit Institute of Arts / 1
NB611 .J25 2002 Italian and Spanish sculpture : catalogue of the J. Paul Getty Museum collection / 1
NB611 .P37 1975 Sculpture italienne / 1
NB611 .P58 Essays on Italian sculpture,
Essays on Italian sculpture /
NB611 .P6 An introduction to Italian sculpture. 1
NB611 .P6 1970 An introduction to Italian sculpture / 1
NB611 .R6 Italian sculpture of the middle ages and period of the revival of art. : A descriptive catalogue of the works forming the above section of the museum, with additional illustrative notices / 1