Call Number (LC) Title Results
NB611 .S34 1989 Italienische Skulpturen : ein Gang durch die Berliner Skulpturengalerie / 1
NB611 .S4 La donna nella scultura italiana dal XII al XVIII secolo. : Woman in Italian sculpture from the twelfth to the eighteenth centuries. 1
NB611 .T93 1200 years of Italian sculpture / 1
NB611 .V53 Catalogue of Italian sculpture in the Victoria and Albert Museum / 1
NB613 .B6 Scultura italiana dall'alto Medioevo all'età romanica. 1
NB613 .C28 Il gotico. 1
NB613 .C37 2007 Politics, civic ideals and sculpture in Italy c. 1240-1400 / 1
NB613 .C67 2005 Scultura altomedievale in Italia : materiali e tecniche di esecuzione, tradizioni e metodi di studio / 1
NB613 .C7 Romanesque sculpture in Italy. 1
NB613 .H3 1930 Pre-Romanesque sculpture in Italy / 1
NB613 .M48 2010 Italian medieval sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Cloisters / 1
NB613 .M68 2001 Italian Gothic sculpture : c. 1250-c. 1400 / 1
NB613 .P63 1998 Die Skulptur des Mittelalters in Italien / Joachim Poeschke ; aufnahmen Albert Hirmer und Irmgard Ernstmeier-Hirmer. 1
NB614 .G6 1967 Italian sculpture, 1250-1700 / 1
NB614 .M35 2015 Making and moving sculpture in early modern Italy / 1
NB614 .P5 Dal Neoclassicismo alle corrente contemporanee. 1
NB614 .P6 An introduction to Italian sculpture
An introduction to Italian sculpture /
NB614 .P6 1996 An introduction to Italian sculpture / 1
NB614 .W35 2016 The Wallace Collection : catalogue of Italian sculpture / 1
NB615 .A78 2020 The art of sculpture in fifteenth-century Italy /
The art of sculpture in fifteenth-century Italy /