Call Number (LC) Title Results
NB623.B528 D73 1992 Bertoldo di Giovanni, sculptor of the Medici household : critical reappraisal and catalogue raisonné / 2
NB623.B533 A4 2008 The triumph of motion : Francesco Bertos (1678-1741) and the art of sculpture : catalogue raisonné / 1
NB623.B65 A64 1996 Umberto Boccioni : Dinamismo di un cavallo in corsa + case : [catalogo / 1
NB623.B67 G34 Sculture di Floriano Bodini, 1958-1972 : [mostra] 2 luglio/22 luglio 1972 / 1
NB623.B7 A4 1978 Giambologna, 1529-1608 : sculptor to the Medici : an exhibition organised by the Arts Council of Great Britain and the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, in association with the Edinburgh Festival Society, the Royal Scottish Museum, and the Victoria & Albert Museum [held at the] Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh 19 August-10 September 1978, Victoria & Albert Museum, London 5 October-16 November 1978, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna 2 December 1978-28 January 1979 / 1
NB623.B7 A8 Giambologna. 1
NB623.B7 H64 1983 The sculptor Giovanni Bologna / 1
NB623.B718 S38 The sculpture of Giovanni and Bartolomeo Bon and their workshop / 1
NB623.B727 A4 1997 Paolo Borghi : sculture, 1984-1997 : Museo delle arti, Palazzo Bandera, Busto Arsizio, 19 aprile-29 giugno 1997 / 1
NB623.B7447 P67 2010 Skulpturen für das Papsttum : Leben und Werk des Andrea Bregno im Rom des 15. Jahrhunderts / 1
NB623.B7449 A93 2007 I Bregno a Venezia : Antonio e Paolo Bregno e la scultura a Venezia nel primo Quattrocento / 1
NB623.B746 S38 1991 Giambattista and Lorenzo Bregno : Venetian sculpture in the High Renaissance / 1
NB623.B75 G74 2018 Studien zur Antikenrezeption im Werk Andrea Riccios / 1
NB623.B768 A4 2020 Renato Brozzi e la scultura animalista italiana tra Otto e Novecento / 1
NB623.B78 U54 Dedication of the bust of Constantino Brumidi, Michelangelo of the United States Capitol [in the] rotunda, United States Capitol, Tuesday, April 30, 1968. 1
NB623.B793 A4 2014 Rembrandt Bugatti : the sculptor 1884-1916 / 1
NB623.B8 M3 Benedetto and Santi Buglioni / 1
NB623.B9 Miguel Ángel : la grandiosidad de un artista en busca de la perfección / 1
NB623.B9 A253 I, Michelangelo, sculptor : an autobiography through letters / 1
NB623.B9 A45 1958 Michelangiolo : les sculptures = the sculptures = las esculturas = die skulpturen. 1