NB623.B9 A638 2008
Michelangelo giovane : il crocefisso ritrovato / |
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NB623.B9 A64 2014b
Michelangelo's David : Florentine history and civic identity / |
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NB623.B9 A64 2015
Michelangelo's David : Florentine history and civic identity / |
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NB623.B9 A642 2006
David / |
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NB623.B9 A645 2003
Michelangelo's Florence Pietà / |
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NB623.B9 A655 2009
Michelangelos Grabmal für Papst Julius II. / |
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NB623.B9 A69 2014b
Michelangelo : la Pietà vaticana / |
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NB623.B9 A69 2023
Michelangelo's Vatican Pietà and its afterlives / |
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NB623.B9 B313 1982
The complete sculpture of Michelangelo / |
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NB623.B9 B313 1982a
The sculpture of Michelangelo / |
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NB623.B9 B35 1993
Un occhio su Michelangelo : le tombe dei Medici nella Sagrestia nuova di S. Lorenzo a Firenze dopo il restauro / |
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NB623.B9 C53 2017
Michelangelo : the Taddei tondo / |
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NB623.B9 C6
The world of Michelangelo, 1475-1564 / |
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NB623.B9 D4
The tomb of Julius II. |
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NB623.B9 E34 1978
Michelangelo models : exhibition catalogue ; [exhibition held] August 1-September 2, 1978 / |
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NB623.B9 F56
Michelangelo's three pietàs : photographic study / |
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NB623.B9 F7613 2016
Michelangelo's tomb for Julius II : genesis and genius / |
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NB623.B9 G33 2000
Le Cupidon de Manhattan : un Michel-Ange retrouvé? / |
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NB623.B9 G6
The sculptures of Michelangelo. |
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NB623.B9 H3
Michelangelo: the complete sculpture. |
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