Call Number (LC) Title Results
NC1479.S79 A4 1988 Scar strangled banger / 1
NC1479.S79 A4 1998 Gonzo the art / 1
NC1479.T54 A4 2009 The definitive Thelwell / 1
NC1479.T54 A5 Thelwell in orbit. 1
NC1479.W45 A34 A selection of Evening Standard cartoons / 1
NC1479.W53 A4 1985 Legal daisy spacing : the build-a-planet manual of official world improvements / 1
NC1479.5.T87 A63 1998 Brace yourself, bridge it! : a guide to Irish political relationships 1996-1998 / 1
NC1480 .H6 Sto let české karikatury / 1
NC1489.F55 A45 Flora's fauna / 1
NC1490 .F7 La bande dessinée : l'univers et les techniques de quelques "comics" d'expression française. 1
NC1493 .B6 L'estampe satirique en France pendant les guerres de religion : essai sur les origines de la caricature politique. 1
NC1493 .S25 2012 The Saint-Aubin Livre de caricatures : drawing satire in eighteenth-century Paris / 1
NC1493 .S6713 1995 Curious and fantastic creatures. 1
NC1495 .F37 1989 The charged image : French lithographic caricature, 1816-1846 / 1
NC1495 .H57 1998 Histoires sans paroles du Chat noir / 1
NC1495 .O27 2015 The republican line : caricature and French republican identity, 1830-52 / 1
NC1495 .W4 1982 A human comedy : physiognomy and caricature in 19th century Paris / 2
NC1495 .Z94 1998 Zwei Zeitmaler in Paris : Heinrich Heine und Honoré Daumier / 1
NC1496 .P75 René Préjelan. Benjamin Rabier. 1
NC1499.C47 A43 C'est la vie : the best cartoons of Chaval. 1