Call Number (LC) Title Results
NC1559.R69 A4 1980 La zone : les aventures modernes de Z. Craignos / 1
NC1575 .V3 1937 Russka︠i︡a karikatura 40-50-kh gg. XIX v. / 1
NC1575 .V3 1937x Russka︠i︡a karikatura 40-50-kh gg. XIX v. / 1
NC1576 .M5 The view from Red Square : a critique of cartoons from Pravda and Izvestia, 1947-1964 / 1
NC1578 .K7 Out of the crocodile's mouth : Russian cartoons about the United States from "Krokodil," Moscow's humor magazine / 1
NC1578.K7 E88 2019 Graphic satire in the Soviet Union : Krokodil's political cartoons / 1
NC1578.K7 G53 1985 Glasnost & Perestrojka in cartoons. 1
NC1579.E33 A2 2005 Moi vstrechi / 1
NC1620 Language Play in Contemporary Swedish Comic Strips / 1
NC1626 .P87 1968 Puss. 1
NC1635 .H33 2021 Hablar a los ojos : caricatura y vida política en España (1830-1918) / 1
NC1636 Catalan cartoons : a cultural and political history / 1
NC1636 .M345 2016 Catalan cartoons : a cultural and political history / 1
NC1636 ebook Cuidado con la pintura : caricaturas del arte en tiempos de vanguardias : Madrid, 1909-1925 / 1
NC1639.B34 ebook Luis Bagaría entre el arte y la política / 1
NC1639.C4 A4 1972 Desarrollo & desarrollados S.A. / 1
NC1639.G6 A4 1974 Goya: 67 drawings. 1
NC1639.G6 A4 1991 Goya and the satirical print in England and on the Continent, 1730 to 1850 / 1
NC1639.M374 A25 2014 Anàlisi humorística del gran catacrack / 1
NC1639 .M49 Fray Escoba / 1