NC281.M8 L58 2021
Living lines : five contemporary artists on Edvard Munch's drawings : Marlene Dumas, Terje Nicolaisen, Nalini Malani, Georg Baselitz, Tracy Emin / |
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NC284.M29 A4 1963
Elias Martin, 1739-1818 : an exhibition / |
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The impossible arises : Oscar Reutersvärd and his contemporaries / |
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NC284.S4 S8 1975
Sergel : dessins / |
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NC285 .A54
A corpus of Spanish drawings / |
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NC285 .B35 2012
Spanish drawings in the Princeton University Art Museum / |
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NC285.G389 P7 1955
Dibujos de Garcia Lorca / |
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NC285 .N38 2009
Álbum Alcubierre : dibujos : de la Sevilla ilustrada del Conde del Águila a la colección Juan Abelló / |
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NC285 .S44 2016
I segni nel tempo : dibujos españolas de los Uffizi / |
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NC285 .S5
Spanish baroque drawings in North American collections : [exhibition] October 19-November 24, 1974 / |
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NC285 .S65
Spanische Zeichnungen von El Greco bis Goya. : Aus den Sammlungen des Prado-Museums, der Nationalbibliothek und der Akademie San Fernando in Madrid, erg. mit Blättern der Hamburger Kunsthalle. Ausstellung in der Hamburger Kunsthalle, Okt.-Nov. 1966. [Ausstellungskatalog] |
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NC285.Z9 P47 1993
Peret e pericoloso sporgersi / |
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NC285.Z9 P472 1993
Peret : e pericoloso sporgersi / |
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NC287.A48 A4 1987
Dibujos / |
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NC287.A75 A4 1988
Dibujos / |
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NC287.C247 A4 2011
Alonso Cano, 1601-1667 : dibujos : catálogo razonado / |
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NC287.C378 A4 2008
Antonio del Castillo, 1616-1668 : dibujos : catálogo razonado / |
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NC287.D3 A4 1995
"Los putrefactos" de Dalí y Lorca : historia y antología de un libro que no pudo ser / |
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NC287.D3 A4 1998
A Sabater con un abrazon en el Quin Elisabet, Dalí / |
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NC287.D3 A4 2004
Dalí íntim : dibuixos, apunts i paraules entre contemporanis / |
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