Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
NC725 .M5 | Il collezionista di disegni. | 1 |
NC730 |
Drawing investigations : graphic relationships with science, culture and environment / Curso de dibujo y pintura. Dibujo A theory of narrative drawing / Remixing and Drawing : Sources, Influences, Styles. Rough : dibujar en 2 trazos y 3 movimientos : personajes, animales, espacios, objetos ... / Quick sketching with Ron Husband / Modern drawing : a contemporary exploration of drawing and illustration / Drawing : basic textures in pencil : a beginner's guide to realistic textures in graphite. Anywhere, anytime art illustration : an artist's guide to illustration on the go! / The art of spiral drawing : Learn to create spiral art and geometric drawings using pencil, pen, and more / Sketching techniques for artists : in-studio and plein-air methods for drawing and painting still lifes, landscapes, architecture, faces and figures, and more / Art Starts With a Line : a Creative and Interactive Guide to the Art of Line Drawing / ART OF BASIC DRAWING : simple step-by-step techniques for drawing a. Rough drawing in 2 strokes and 3 moves / Observational Sketching : Hone Your Artistic Skills by Learning How to Observe and Sketch Everyday Objects / The camera lucida in art and science / The artist's guide to drawing people : 600 reference images for body movements, facial expressions, and hands / Quick sketching / Presto sketching : the magic of simple drawing for brilliant product thinking and design / How to draw super cute things : learn to draw & color absolutely adorable art! / Realistic drawing for beginners : how to create stunning, lifelike drawings of any subject / Drawing 101 Materials, Shading, Perspective, Shapes, Sketching, and More / The art of 3D drawing : an illustrated and photographic guide to creating art with three-dimensional realism / Easy drawing : simple step-by-step lessons for learning to draw in more than just pencil / Curso de dibujo y pintura. Dibujo. The little book of drawing dragons & fantasy characters : more the 50 tips and techniques for drawing fantastical fairies, dragons, mythological beasts, and more / Du hast das Zeug zum Zeichnen! Sofort loslegen mit kreativen Motiven und jeder Menge Zeichenideen / |
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NC730 .A25 1666 | Academia Italica. the publick school of drawing, or, The gentlemans accomplishment : being the ingenious, pleasant and antient recreation of the noble, and the honour of arts, wherein you have plain examples and directions to guide you to the knowledge, first, of the noble and useful art of drawing, with a discourse of all the external parts of mans body, whereby it plainly appeareth how one part joyneth to another, by which means the judgement is well informed of every parts plyableness, and therefore the knowledge of the anotomy [sic] is of great concernment to this most admirable art : secondly, the manner of washing or colouring maps and prints, with the names of several colours proper for that purpose, and how they may be mixed, and what colours set off best together : as also how you should shadow things to cause them to shew more natural and beautiful : with instructions what you must do to paist [sic] maps or prints smooth on cloth or paper : and likewise what you must do to them to cause them to bear your colours and varnish : with divers rare secrets for making, ordering, and preserving of colours, the which was never fully and really discovered until now. | 1 |
NC730 .A43 1679 | Albert Durer revived, or, A book of drawing, limning, washing, or colouring of maps and prints and the art of painting, with the names and mixtures of colours used by the picture-drawers : with directions how to lay and paint pictures upon glass, or, The young-man's time well spent : in which he hath the ground-work to make him fit for doing any thing by hand, when he is able to draw well : by the use of this work you may draw all parts of a man, legs, arms, hands and feet, severally and together : and directions for birds, beasts, landskips, ships, and the like : moreover, grounds to lay silver or gold upon, and how silver and gold shall be laid or limned upon size, and the way to temper gold and silver, and other metals, and divers kinds of colours, to write or to limn withal, upon vellum, parchment , or paper, and how to lay them upon the work which you intend to make, and how to varnish it when you have done : how also to diaper and shadow things, and to heighten them to stand off : to deepen them, and make them glister [sic] : in this book you have the necessary instruments for drawing, and the use of them, and how to make artificial pastiles to draw withal : and also directions how to draw with Indian-ink : wherein you have also Mr. Hollar's receipt for etching, with instructions how to use it : very useful for all handicrafts, and ingenuous gentlemen and youths : by hammer and hand all arts do stand. | 1 |
NC730 .A43 1685 |
Albert Durer revived, or, A book of drawing, limning, washing, or colouring of maps and prints and the art of painting, with the names and mixtures of colours used by the picture-drawers : with directions how to lay and paint pictures upon glass, or, The young-man's time well spent : in which he hath the ground-work to make him fit for doing any thing by hand, when he is able to draw well : by the use of this work you may draw all parts of a man, legs, arms, hands, and feet, severally and together : and directions for birds, beasts, landskips, ships, and the like : moreover, grounds to lay silver or gold upon, and how silver and gold shall be laid or limned upon size, and the way to temper gold and silver, and other metals, and divers kinds of colours, to write or to limn withal, upon vellum, parchment, or paper, and how to lay them upon the work which you intend to make, and how to varnish it when you have done : how also to diaper and shadow things, and to highten them, to stand off, to deepen them, and make them glister [sic] : in this book you have the necessary instruments for drawing, and the use of them, and how to make artificial pastils to draw withal : and also directions how to draw with Indian-ink : wherein you have also Mr. Hollar's receipt for etching, with instructions how to use it : very useful for all handicrafts, and ingenuous gentlemen and youths : by hammer and hand all arts do stand. Albert Durer revived, or, A book of dravving, limning, washing, or colouring of maps and prints and the art of painting, with the names and mixtures of colours used by the picture-drawers : with directions how to lay and paint pictures upon glass, or, The young-man's time well spent : in which he hath the ground-work to make him fit for doing any thing by hand, when he is able to draw well : by the use of this work you may draw all parts of a man, legs, arms, hands, and feet, severally and together : and directions for birds, beasts, landskips, ships, and the like : moreover, grounds to lay silver or gold upon, and how silver or gold shall be laid or limned upon size, and the way to temper gold and silver, and other mettals, and divers kinds of colours, to write or to limn withal, upon vellum, parchment , or paper, and how to lay them upon the work which you intend to make, and how to varnish it when you have done : how also to diaper and shadow things, and to heighten them, to stand off : to deepen them, and make them glister [sic] : in this book you have the necessary instruments for drawing, and the use of them, and how to make artificial pastiles to draw withal : and also directions how to draw with Indian ink : wherein you have also Mr. Hollar's receipt for etching, with instructions how to use it : very useful for all handicrafts, and ingenuous gentlemen and youths : by hammer and hand, all arts do stand. |
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NC730 .A43 1698 | Albert Durer revived, or, A book of drawing, limning, washing, or colouring of maps and prints and the art of painting, with the names and mixtures of colours used by the picture-drawers : with directions how to lay and paint pictures upon glass, or, The young-man's time well spent : in which he hath the ground-work to make him fit for doing any thing by hand, when he is able to draw well : by the use of this work you may draw all parts of a man, legs, arms, hands, and feet, severally and together : and directions for birds, beasts, landskips, ships, and the like : moreover, grounds to lay silver or gold upon, and how silver and gold shall be laid or limned upon size, and the way to temper gold and silver, and other mettals, and divers kinds of colours, to write or to limn withal, upon vellum, parchment , or paper, and how to lay them upon the work which you intend to make, and how to varnish it when you have done : how also to diaper and shadow things, and to heighten them, to stand off : to deepen them, and make them glister [sic] : in this book you have the necessary instruments for drawing, and the use of them, and how to make artificial pastiles to draw withal : and also directions how to draw with Indian ink : wherein you have also Mr. Hollars receipt for etching, with instructions how to use it : very useful for all handicrafts, and ingenuous gentlemen and youths : by hammer and hand all arts do stand. | 1 |
NC730 .A78 2014 | The art of basic drawing. | 1 |
NC730 .B318 2013 | Drawing ideas : a hand-drawn approach for better design / | 1 |
NC730 .B4 1966a | One thousand years of drawing. | 1 |
NC730 .B6 1660 | A book of dravving, limning, vvashing or colouring of maps and prints, and the art of painting, with the names and mixtures of colours used by the picture-drawers. Or, The young-mans time well spent. In which he hath the ground-work to make him fit for doing anything by hand, when he is able to draw well. By the use of this work, you may draw all parts of a man, leggs, armes, hands, and feet ... and directions for birds, beasts, landskips, ships ... moreovers, grounds to lay silver or gold upon, and how silver or gold shall be laid or limned ... withall upon vellum, parchment, or paper ... how also to diaper and shadow things, and to heightem them, to stand off: to deepend them, and make them glister .. | 1 |
NC730 .B63 | Graphic communication / | 1 |
NC730 .B658 1996 | Drawing with children : a creative method for adult beginners, too / | 1 |
NC730 .C275 2011 | How to draw from photographs : learn how to create beautiful, lifelike drawings from your own photographs / | 1 |
NC730 .C37 2015eb | Entre líneas, trazos y visiones : modos de pensar y realizar la enseñanza del dibujo / | 1 |
NC730.C437 2014 | 1000 Dessins de Génie. | 1 |
NC730 .C437 2018eb | 1000 watercolours of genius / | 1 |
NC730 .C45 |
The art of drawing / The art of drawing. |
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NC730 .C6 | Form, space, and vision : discovering design through drawing / | 1 |
NC730 .C6 1967 | Form, space, and vision : discovering design through drawing / | 1 |
NC730 .C6 1972 |
Form, space, and vision: understanding art : a discourse on drawing / Form, space, and vision: understanding art; a discourse on drawing. |
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