Call Number (LC) Title Results
ND1290 Bathers, bodies, beauty the visceral eye / 1
ND1290 .A77 2013 Éloquence de la peinture : figures seules et en couple / 1
ND1290 .D43 2002 "Dear painter, paint me--" : painting the figure since late Picabia / 1
ND1290 .H67 1995 How to paint skin tones / 1
ND1290 .N4 Masterpieces of figure painting / 1
ND1290 .P34 2009 Paint made flesh / 1
ND1290 .P37 2019 Painting the prehistoric body in late nineteenth-century France / 1
ND1290 .P6 1990 Naked authority : the body in western painting, 1830-1908 / 1
ND1290 .R4 Las obras maestras del desnudo en la pintura universal / 1
ND1290.5 .D67 1973 Beginner's guide to painting the nude. 1
ND1290.5 .M87 2016 Splendor, myth, and vision : nudes from the Prado / 1
ND1290.5 .N63 2006 Bathers, bodies, beauty : the visceral eye / 1
ND1292 .L32 Changes, art in America 1881/1981 : Marquette University's centennial exhibition, October 5-November 6, 1981 / 1
ND1292 .M33 1998 The nude in American painting, 1950-1980 / 1
ND1292 .N48 1979 From all walks of life : paintings of the figure from the National Academy of Design / 1
ND1292 .T83 1979 20 figure painters and how they work : from the pages of American artist / 2
ND1292 .W44 1979 Six painters of the figure : Alex Katz, Diana Kurz, Alfred Leslie, Alice Neel, Philip Pearlstein, Sylvia Sleigh : Department of Fine Arts, University of Colorado, Boulder, March 5-April 7, 1979 / 1
ND1292 ebook Fundamentos básicos de expresión bidimensional : texto guía / 1
ND1293.C6 C494 1991 Hua zhong ren wu yi qu / 1
ND1293.C6 C54 1983 Zhongguo hua gong bi ren wu hua fa / 1