Call Number (LC) Title Results
ND1442.E854 K47 2017 Eyewitness views : making history in eighteenth-century Europe / 1
ND1442.E855 E24 2017 Im Spiegel der Geschichte : realistische Historienmalerei in Westeuropa 1830-1900 / 1
ND1442.F8 R6 1987 La grande manière : historical and religious painting in France, 1700-1800 / 1
ND1442.F84 .V3 Directoire - Consulat - Empire : guide officiel / 1
ND1442.F85 W75 1997 Painting and history during the French Restoration : abandoned by the past / 1
ND1442.G3 H34 1989 Geschichte in Bildern : Studien zur Historienmalerei des 19. Jahrhunderts / 1
ND1442.G754 P74 2007 The artist as original genius : Shakespeare's "fine frenzy" in late-eighteenth-century British art / 1
ND1442.I73 C74 2016 Creating history : stories of Ireland in art / 1
ND1442.I8 N34 2009 Gemälde und Drama : Giotto, Masaccio, Leonardo / 1
ND1442.I8 R34 2004 La raffigurazione della storia nella pittura italiana / 1
ND1442.I83 P35 2016 L'impero di Spagna allo specchio : storia e propaganda nei dipinti del Palazzo reale di Napoli / 1
ND1442.N4 B76 1993 Intimacies & intrigues : history painting in the Mauritshuis / 1
ND1450 .E35 2004 Changing pictures : discoloration in 15th-17th-century oil paintings / 1
ND1450 .F6613 2006 Daily life in art / 1
ND1450 .G84 1985 States of war : new European and American paintings / 1
ND1450 .L8 How the rich lived : the painter as witness 1870-1914 / 1
ND1450 .L83 Work and struggle : the painter as witness 1870-1914 / 1
ND1451 .A43 2009 American stories : paintings of everyday life, 1765-1915 / 1
ND1451 .M68 American narrative painting : [exhibition, October 1-November 17, 1974] / 2
ND1451.5 .A44 2012 American encounters : genre painting and everyday life. 1