"Almost eternal" : painting on stone and material innovation in early modern Europe / |
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ND1580 .A46 2018
Almost eternal : painting on stone and material innovation in early modern Europe / |
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ND1580 .C44 1984
Cœurs de pierres / |
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ND1580 .M4713 2022
Timeless wonder : painting on stone in Rome between Cinquecento and Seicento / |
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ND1605 .C66 1999
Copper as canvas : two centuries of masterpiece paintings on copper, 1575-1775 / |
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ND1620 .P55
Introducing acrylic painting / |
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ND1630 .A67 2015
Colour change in paintings / |
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ND1630 .I87 2004
Issues in the conservation of paintings / |
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ND1630 .L66
National Gallery technical bulletin. |
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ND1630 .P47 2003
Personal viewpoints : thoughts about paintings conservation : a seminar organized by the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Getty Research Institute at the Getty Center, Los Angeles, June 21-22, 2001 / |
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ND1630 .R5
Ricerche relative al recupero dei dipinti danneggiati dall'alluvione di Firenze nel 1966 / |
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ND1630 .S85 2011
Studying old master paintings : technology and practice : the National Gallery Technical Bulletin 30th anniversary conference postprints / |
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ND1635 .C46 2016
Studying the European visual arts 1800-1850 : paintings, sculpture, interiors and art on paper / |
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ND1635 .C65 2001
Jérôme Bosch et son entourage et autres études : colloque XIV 13-15 septembre, 2001, Bruges-Rotterdam / |
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ND1635 .E37 1997
Early Italian paintings : techniques and analysis / |
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ND1635 .K57 2000
Seeing through paintings : physical examination in art historical studies / |
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ND1635 .L3 1980
Analyse scientifique des œuvres d'art : Musée du Québec du 4 juin au 10 août 1980 : exposition / |
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ND1635 .M368 1985
Paintings : genuine, fraud, fake : modern methods of examining paintings / |
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ND1635 .N38 2010
A closer look : deceptions and discoveries / |
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ND1635 .Q84 2006
The quest for the original / |
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