ND1954.M28 B713 1969
Tunisian watercolors and drawings. |
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ND1954.M3 L33
Franz Marc: watercolors, drawings, writings / |
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ND1954.M55 A2 1986
Pictures of a childhood : sixty-six water-colors and an essay / |
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ND1954.M65 A4 1995
Wild river, timeless canyons : Balduin Möllhausen's watercolors of the Colorado / |
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ND1954.N6 A4 2000
Emil Nolde : unpainted pictures : watercolours 1938-1945 from the collection of the Nolde-Stiftung Seebüll / |
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ND1954.N6 A4 2011
Emil Nolde : die religiösen Bilder = the religious paintings / |
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ND1954.N6 A4 2019
Emil Nolde : the artist during the Third Reich / |
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ND1954.N6 G613
Nolde: watercolors and drawings / |
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ND1954.N6 H3
Emil Nolde, ungemalte Bilder : Aquarelle und 'Worte am Rande.' / |
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ND1954.N6 U713 1966
Flowers and animals : watercolors and drawings / |
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ND1954.N6 U7213 1970
Emil Nolde: landscapes : watercolors and drawings / |
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ND1954.R52 G47 1999
Gerhard Richter Aquarelle = Watercolors, 1964-1997 / |
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ND1954.S24 A67 2018
Charlotte Salomon and the theatre of memory / |
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ND1954.S24 B84 2013
Nothing happened : Charlotte Salomon and an archive of suicide / |
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ND1954.S24 B84 2013eb
Nothing happened : Charlotte Salomon and an archive of suicide / |
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ND1954.S24 F45 1994
To paint her life : Charlotte Salomon in the Nazi era / |
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ND1954.S24 F45 1995
To paint her life : Charlotte Salomon in the Nazi era / |
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ND1954.S24 .P65 2011
Allo-thanatography or allo-auto-biography : a few thoughts on one painting in Charlotte Salomon's Leben? oder Theater?, 1941-42 = Allo-Thanatografie oder Allo-Auto-Biografie : Überlegungen zu einem Bild in Charlotte Salomons Leben? oder Theater?, 1941/42 / |
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ND1954.S24 R43 2006
Reading Charlotte Salomon / |
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ND1954.S24 S36 2001
Charlotte Salomon : 1917-1943 : Bilder eines Lebens / |
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