Call Number (LC) Title Results
ND196.P42 P455 2014 Photorealism : beginnings to today : the Sydney and Walda Besthoff collection / 1
ND196.P42 P58 2013 Photorealism : 50 years of hyperrealistic painting / 1
ND196.P64 F67 2012 The first Pop age : painting and subjectivity in the art of Hamilton, Lichtenstein, Warhol, Richter, and Ruscha / 1
ND196.P66 L5 1994 Zou xiang he chu : hou xian dai zhu yi yu dang dai hui hua = hou xian dai zhu yi yu dang dai hui hua / 1
ND196.P66 M34 1993 The exile's return : toward a redefinition of painting for the post-modern era / 1
ND196.P7 J3313 1979 Naive painting / 1
ND196.P7 N32 I naïfs : II mostra internazionale dei pittori naïfs, Villa Ciani [e] Villa Malpensata, Lugano, 31 agosto-11 novembre 1973. [Catalogo] 1
ND196.R4 E3 1993 Eight contemporary realists : David Brega, Mark Dassoulas, Ken Davies, Deborah Deichler, Mark Leithauser, Ken Marlow, Nelson Shanks, Jamie Wyeth : June 3 - August 27, 1993, Hollis Taggart Galleries. 1
ND196.S6 A56 1983 American super realism : from the Morton G. Neumann Family collection : [exhibition] November 4 - December 7, 1983. 1
ND196.S8 B7313 1972 Surrealism and painting / 1
ND196.S8 B7313 1972b Surrealism and painting / 1
ND196.S8 C43 1979 Myth in surrealist painting, 1929-1939 / 1
ND196.S8 M37 1982 Eight painters : the surrealist context / 1
ND196.2 Expanded Painting : Ontological Aesthetics and the Essence of Colour / 1
ND196.2 .A78 2009 Art actuel & peinture / 1
ND196.2 .B44 2014 100 painters of tomorrow / 1
ND196.2 .C42 2018 Chaos and awe : painting for the 21st century / 1
ND196.2 .F54 2015 Figuring out figurative art : contemporary philosophers on contemporary paintings / 1
ND196.2 .F74 2012 Fresh Paint / 1
ND196.2 .H67 2014 The Forever now : contemporary painting in an atemporal world / 1