Call Number (LC) Title Results
ND2757.V4 C6 1979 The Venetian chapel of the Sacrament in the sixteenth century / 1
ND2757.V4 F57 Pitture murali nel Veneto e tecnica dell̓affresco. 1
ND2757.57 .F54 2003 The fifteenth century frescoes in the Sistine Chapel / 1
ND2757.57 .F67 2020 La Cappella Sistina : racconto di un capolavoro / 1
ND2757.57 .P4513 2007 The Sistine Chapel : a new vision / 1
ND2760 .T43 1986 Tecnica e stile : esempi di pittura murale del Rinascimento italiano / 1
ND2767 .D7 Drevnerusska︠i︡a monumentalńa︠i︡a zhivopiś, XI-XIV V.V. / 1
ND2767 .L313 Old Russian murals & mosaics: from the 11th to the 16th century / 1
ND2769.I27 B75 1983 Freski ︠I︡Aroslavl︠i︡a : XVII-nachala XVIII veka = Yaroslavl frescoes / 1
ND2769.K5 U4 Troït︠s︡ʹka nadbramna t︠s︡erkva / 1
ND2769.V64 A44 Freski ︠t︡serkvi Uspeni︠i︡a na Volotovom pole = Frescoes of the Church of the Assumption at Volotovo Polye / 1
ND2770 .I55 1990 Scandinavian painted decor / 1
ND2779 .U5 Norway: paintings from the stave churches / 1
ND2783.B57 B56 A catalogue of wall-paintings in the churches of medieval Denmark 1100-1600 : Scania, Halland, Blekinge / 1
ND2783.O35 B6 Romanesque mural paintings in Östergötland / 1
ND2783.S6 R933 1904 Medeltida kalkmålningar i Skånes kyrkor. 1
ND2785 .A46 2008 Pintura mural del Renacimiento en el Reino de Jaén / 1
ND2785 .O24 1972a Sigena: Romanesque paintings in Spain & the Winchester Bible artists / 1
ND2786.A7 B67 La pintura románica en Aragón / 1
ND2786.A7 F47 2004 Pintura románica en el Poitou, Aragón y Cataluña : la itinerancia de un estilo / 1