Call Number (LC) Title Results
ND545 .B59 2006 Peindre en France au XVe siècle / 1
ND545 .D6 1969 French painting in the sixteenth century. 1
ND545 .D63 Primitifs français / 1
ND545 .E45 2004 Painting in France in the 15th century / 1
ND545 .L45 Fran︠t︡suzka︠i︡a zhivopisʹ XV-XVII vekov = Peinture française des XVe-XVIIe siècles / 1
ND545 .P7 Primitifs français / 1
ND545 .R43 French painting in the XIVth, XVth and XVIth centuries / 1
ND545 .R5 A century of French painting, 1400-1500. 1
ND546 .A45 2003 French painting in the Golden Age / 1
ND546 .A78 1996 French and British paintings from 1600 to 1800 in the Art Institute of Chicago : a catalogue of the collection / 1
ND546 .A9 1985 Au temps de Watteau, Fragonard et Chardin : les Pays-Bas et les peintres français du XVIIIe siècle : exposition réalisée à l'occasion du centenaire de la construction du Palais des beaux-arts grâce à la ville de Lille ... [et al.] 1
ND546 .B315 2019 French paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art from the early eighteenth century through the Revolution / 1
ND546 .B319 2002 Patriotic taste : collecting modern art in pre-revolutionary Paris / 1
ND546 .B34 1977 Watteau and the north : studies in the Dutch and Flemish baroque influence on French rococo painting / 1
ND546 .B68 2008 Boucher & Chardin : masters of modern manners / 1
ND546 .B7 The painting of the French revolution / 1
ND546 .B76 Word and image : French painting of the ancien régime / 1
ND546 .C468 2001 Splendide Californie! : impressions of the Golden State by French artists, 1786 to 1900 / 1
ND546 .C47 1973 Recherches sur la vie et les ouvrages de quelques peintres provinciaux de l'ancienne France / 1
ND546 .C66 Painting in eighteenth-century France / 2