ND615 .B73 1961
La maniera italiana / |
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ND615 .B732
Italian mannerism / |
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ND615 .B87
Der Cicerone. |
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ND615 .B8713 2005
Italian Renaissance painting according to genres / |
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ND615 .C25 2000
La pittura del Cinquecento / |
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ND615 .C3713 2017
Literature and artistic practice in sixteenth-century Italy / |
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ND615 .C3713 2017eb
Literature and artistic practice in sixteenth-century Italy / |
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ND615 .C4313 1984
A chronicle of Italian Renaissance painting / |
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ND615 .C8 1912a
A history of painting in north Italy, Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Verona, Ferrara, Milan, Friuli, Brescia from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century / |
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ND615 .D35
Paintings and sculpture of the Samuel H. Kress collection. |
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ND615 .D44
Italian painting, 1200-1600. |
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ND615 .F34 1976
Some followers of Domenico Ghirlandajo / |
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ND615 .F344 1979
The legacy of Leonardo : Italian Renaissance paintings from Leningrad / |
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ND615 .F358 2008
"Fantasie und Handwerk" : Cennino Cennini und die Tradition der toskanischen Malerei von Giotto bis Lorenzo Monaco ; [Katalog der Ausstellung: "Fantasie und Handwerk", Cennino Cennini und die Tradition der toskanischen Malerei von Giotto bis Lorenz Monaco, 10. Januar bis 13. April 2008] / |
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ND615 .F46 1995
Le musée idéal de Stendhal / |
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ND615 .F5
The Florentine paintings in Holland 1300-1500 / |
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ND615 .F59 2011
La pittura italiana nella fototeca Zeri : fotografie scelte : Lazio, Toscana, Marche, Umbria, Emilia Romagna / |
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ND615 .F66 1971
Painting in Italy, 1500 to 1600 / |
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ND615F66 1971
Painting in Italy : 1500 to 1600 / |
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ND615 .F67
Painting of the high Renaissance in Rome and Florence. |
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