Call Number (LC) Title Results
ND621.S6 H96 2003 Sienese painting : the art of a city-republic (1278-1477) / 1
ND621.S6 M34 2001 The world of the early Sienese painter / 1
ND621.S6 N67 2003 Painting in late medieval and renaissance Siena, 1260-1555 / 1
ND621.S6 O8 1988 Sienese altarpieces, 1215-1460 : form, content, function / 1
ND621.S6 P53413 2014 Paintings from Siena : ars narrandi in Europe's Gothic Age / 1
ND621.S6 P58 2008 Le pitture del Duomo di Siena / 1
ND621.S6 P6 Sienese quattrocento painting. 1
ND621.S6 S5 Sienese paintings in Holland. : [Exhibition]. Groningen, Museum voor Stad en Lande, 28 March-28 April 1969; Utrecht, Aartsbisschoppelijk Museum. 2 May - 9 June 1969. 1
ND621.S6 S74 2007 Sienese painting after the Black Death : artistic pluralism, politics, and the new art market / 1
ND621.S6 T46 2023 The art and government service of Francesco di Bartolomeo Alfei (c. 1421-c. 1495) : visual propaganda and undercover agency for the Republic of Siena / 2
ND621.T8 C66 Aspetti del secondo futurismo torinese : cinque pittori ed uno scultore: Fillia, Mino Rosso, Diulgheroff, Oriani, Alimandi, Costa / 1
ND621.T8 V52 I sei di Torino, 1929-1932 : [mostra] Torino, Galleria civica d'arte moderna, settembre-ottobre 1965 / 1
ND621.V5 A4 2014 Paolo Veronese : l'illusione della realtà / 1
ND621.V5 B48 1957 Italian pictures of the Renaissance : a list of the principal artists and their works, with an index of places / 1
ND621.V5 B5 1894a The Venetian painters of the renaissance : with an index to their works / 1
ND621.V5 B55 Venetian painting in America : the fifteenth century / 1
ND621.V5 B76 2006 Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, and the Renaissance of Venetian painting / 1
ND621.V5 B7814 Venezianische Malerei des 18. Jahrhunderts / 1
ND621.V5 B783 1968b Eighteenth century Venetian paintings / 1
ND621.V5 C3 1938 Exhibition of Venetian painting : from the fifteenth century through the eighteenth century. 1