ND621.V5 P3225 2010
La pittura della Serenissima : Venezia e i suoi pittori / |
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ND621.V5 P3313 2003
Venetian painting in the 15th century : Jacopo, Gentile and Giovanni Bellini and Andrea Mantegna / |
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ND621.V5 P35
Die venezianische Malerei des 18. Jahrhunderts. |
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ND621.V5 P4
Pittura veneziana del Cinquecento. |
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ND621.V5 P49
The golden century of Venetian painting / |
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ND621.V5 P5
Il Museo Correr di Venezia : dipinti del XVII e XVIII secolo / |
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ND621.V5 P5413 1995
Venice : a guide to paintings in original settings / |
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ND621.V5 R32 1982
Venice, Dürer, and the oriental mode / |
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ND621.V5 R5 1982
Le ricche minere della pittura Veneziana : studi sulla pittura veneta del Seicento / |
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ND621.V5 R5613 2000
Renaissance Venice and the North : crosscurrents in the time of Bellini, Dürer, and Titian / |
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ND621.V5 R67 1982
Painting in cinquecento Venice : Titian, Veronese, Tintoretto / |
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ND621.V5 R67 1997
Painting in sixteenth-century Venice : Titian, Veronese, Tintoretto / |
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ND621.V5 S43 1993
Le Siècle de Titien / |
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ND621.V5 S6 1991
Pittoresco : Marco Boschini, his critics, and their critiques of painterly brushwork in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Italy / |
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ND621.V5 S83 1970
A concise history of Venetian painting. |
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ND621.V5 S83 1970b
A concise history of Venetian painting. |
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ND621.V5 S87 2014
Il fiore di Venezia : dipinti dal Seicento all'Ottocento in collezioni private / |
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ND621.V5 T15 1967
The art of Venice : an exhibition of five works of Venetian masters on extended loan from the lending collection of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. |
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ND621.V5 T57 2010
Titian and the golden age of Venetian painting : masterpieces from the National Galleries of Scotland / |
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ND621.V5 T58 2009
Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese : rivals in Renaissance Venice / |
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