Call Number (LC) Title Results
ND623.L5 B78 1998 Leonardo da Vinci : origins of a genius / 1
ND623.L5 B83 2009 Leonardo da Vinci's Single Immaculate Madonna-painting from the altar of the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception in the church San Francesco Grande at Milan : Leonardo's Annunciation-lunette intended for the crown piece of the main altar of the church Santissima Annunziata in Florence and The Virgin of the Rocks-case /
Leonardo da Vinci's wiederentdeckte Madonna Immaculata vom Altar der Kapelle der Unbefleckten Empfängnis aus der Kirche San Francesco Grande in Mailand : Leonardos Verkündigungs-Lünette, bestimmt für den bogenförmigen Abschluss des Hauptaltars der Kirche Santissima Annunziata in Florenz und der Felsgrottenmadonnen Fall /
ND623.L5 C5 1952 Leonardo da Vinci : an account of his development as an artist. 1
ND623.L5 C5 1988 Leonardo da Vinci / 1
ND623.L5 C5 1989 Leonardo da Vinci / 1
ND623.L5 C53 2016 Leonardo da Vinci : an account of his development as an artist / 1
ND623.L5 C54 1952 Mostra di disegni, manoscritti e documenti. 1
ND623.L5 C78 1995 Leonardo da Vinci : a three-dimensional study / 1
ND623.L5 D62 Leonardo da Vinci : his "San Donato of Arezzo and the tax collector" / 1
ND623.L5 D68 Leonardo da Vinci; his life and pictures / 1
ND623.L5 E45 Leonardo da Vinci : psychoanalytic notes on the enigma. 1
ND623.L5 ebook Leonardo Da Vinci : el sabio, el artista, el pensador. 1
ND623.L5 F5 Leonardo/Raphael / 1
ND623.L5 F7613 Leonardo / 1
ND623.L5 F763 Leonardo / 1
ND623.L5 F8 1947 Leonardo da Vinci : a study in psychosexuality / 1
ND623.L5 F8 1947a Leonardo da Vinci : a study in psychosexuality / 1
ND623.L5 F8 1948 Leonardo da Vinci : a psychosexual study of an infantile reminiscence / 1
ND623.L5 F813 Leonardo da Vinci and a memory of his childhood / 1
ND623.L5 -- F813 1957eb Leonardo da Vinci. 1