Call Number (LC) Title Results
ND653.H73 A4 2015 Gherardo delle Notti : quadri bizzarissimi e cene allegre / 1
ND653.H73 J8 Gerrit van Honthorst : a discussion of his position in Dutch art. 1
ND653.H73 J8 1956eb Gerrit Van Honthorst : a discussion of his position in Dutch art / 1
ND653.H73 P27 1999 Gherardo delle Notti : Gerrit Honthorst in Italia / 1
ND653.H75 A27 Pieter de Hooch : des meisters gemälde in 180 abbildungen : mit einem anhang über die genremaler um Pieter de Hooch und die Kunst Hendrik van Burchs / 1
ND653.H75 A4 1998 Pieter de Hooch, 1629-1684 / 2
ND653.H75 A73 2006 Pieter de Hooch : a woman preparing bread and butter for a boy / 1
ND653H75 S9 Pieter de Hooch / 1
ND653.H775 J93 Gerrit van Honthorst a discussion of his position in Dutch art / 1
ND653.H79 B78 1995 Artifice and illusion : the art and writing of Samuel van Hoogstraten / 1
ND653.H79 U55 2013 The universal art of Samuel van Hoogstraten : painter, writer, and courtier /
The Universal Art of Samuel van Hoogstraten (1627-1678) Painter, Writer, and Courtier /
ND653.H79 W47 2008 The visible world : Samuel van Hoogstraten's art theory and the legitimation of painting in the Dutch golden age / 1
ND653.H83 N513 Henri ten Holt / 1
ND653.H87 A4 2007 The temptations of Flora : Jan van Huysum, 1682-1749 / 1
ND653.H87 W65 2011 Miraculous bouquets : flower and fruit paintings by Jan van Huysum / 1
ND653.I665 P548 2007 Pieter Isaacsz (1568-1625) : court painter, art dealer and spy / 1
ND653.I68 A4 2002 Isaac Israels : mannequins en mode / 1
ND653.I68 A4 2007 Israels aan zee : Hollandse en Italiaanse strandtaferelen van Isaac Israels (1865-1934) / 1
ND653.I68 G58 2005 De Indische Israëls / 1
ND653.I68 W3 1985 Isaac Israels / 1