Call Number (LC) Title Results
NE1113.5.C53 G730 La gravure sur bois de fil, Monique Charbonneau / 1
NE1113.5.O44 H86 1992 The owl pen prints : illustrations by Lucille Oille / 1
NE1113.5.W35 A4 2009 A is 4 Alice / 2
NE1113.5.W35 B66 2010 Book of hours : a wordless novel told in 99 wood engravings / 1
NE1113.5.W48 A4 2018 See what I'm saying? : engravings / 1
NE1133.4.N67 D56 2009eb Brazilian woodcut prints / 1
NE1133.4.N67 D566 2001 Brazilian woodcut prints / 1
NE1139.5.C36 A4 2018 Operación Ayar : la xilografía de Julio Camino Sánchez = Ayar operation : Julio Camino Sánchez's woodcut / 1
NE1140.5.F73 A2 1993 Antonio Frasconi at the Library of Congress : a lecture presented on May 18, 1989, for International Children's Book Day / 1
NE1142 .P37 2005 Origins of European printmaking : fifteenth-century woodcuts and their public / 1
NE1142 .W66 2009 The woodcut in fifteenth-century Europe / 1
NE1143 .D45 1981 The Victorian wood-block illustrators / 1
NE1143 .H6 1973 English woodcuts, 1480-1535. 1
NE1143 .S45 1998 British wood-engraved book illustration, 1904-1940 : a break with tradition / 1
NE1143 .S6 Wood engraving since eighteen-ninety / 1
NE1143.3 .J25 1988 Women engravers / 1
NE1143.5 .V4 Modern British woodcuts & wood-engravings in the collection of the Whitworth Art Gallery, University of Manchester / 1
NE1143.5.W27 C48 1998 Geoffrey Wales / 1
NE1143.6.S44 A4 1996 The incisive eye : Colin See-Paynton wood engravings 1980-1996. 1
NE1144 W6 [Woodcut in triptych form, portrait of king on throne in center, flanked by English armorial figures of unicorn on left and lion on right] 1