Call Number (LC) Title Results
NE670.H66 L3 Romeyn de Hooghe, the etcher : contemporary portrayal of Europe, 1662-1707 / 1
NE670.H66 O74 1996 Hendrick Hondius and the business of prints in seventeenth-century Holland / 1
NE670.L4 F5 Mostra delle incisioni di Luca di Leida : catalogo / 1
NE670.L7 A4 1983 The prints of Lucas van Leyden & his contemporaries / 1
NE670.L7 A4 1994 Lucas van Leyden : Leyda 1494-1533 : quinto centenario della nascita : 1494-1994 / 1
NE670.L7 A4 1996 Lucas van Leyden / 1
NE670.L7 W34 2017 Lucas van Leyden, 1484/94-1533 : Meister der Druckgraphik / 1
NE670.M26 A4 1999 Karel van Mander / 1
NE670.M85 A4 1999 The Muller dynasty / 1
NE670.P2 V452 2001 Crispijn de Passe and his progeny (1564-1670) : a century of print production / 1
NE670.P2 V453 2001 Profit and pleasure : print books by Crispijn de Passe / 1
NE670.R28 B53 1956 Rembrandt, graveur. : 350e anniversaire de sa naissance. [Exposition à la] Bibliothèque nationale, Galerie Mansart, Paris, 1956. 1
NE670.R28 H56 1995 The history of Rembrandt's copperplates : with a catalogue of those that survive / 1
NE670.R4 A4 2015 Rembrandt's changing impressions / 1
NE670.S86 A4 1984 Questions / 1
NE670.T6 A47 Jan Toorop, 1858-1928 : [tentoonstelling] Rijksprentenkabinet, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam : 8 feb.-13 apr. 1969. 1
NE670.V3 F7 1968a L'oeuvre de Jan van de Velde : graveur hollandais, 1593-1641 / 1
NE670.V74 H48 2009 The city rehearsed : object, architecture, and print in the worlds of Hans Vredeman de Vries / 1
NE670.V74 H48 2009eb The city rehearsed object, architecture, and print in the worlds of Hans Vredeman de Vries / 1
NE672.F55 G7 Grafica fiamminga e renana del Quattrocento. : Mostra di incisioni da collezioni italiane completata da manoscritti e oggetti d'arte, ispirati alla grafica renano-fiamminga / 1