Call Number (LC) Title Results
NK1295 .L4 Ornemens gothiques de toutes les époques, et choix d'ornemens de la renaissance et des différens siècles / 1
NK1295 .P3 Die Zimmergotik in Deutsch-Tirol / 1
NK1295 .P84 1987 Pugin's gothic ornament : the classic sourcebook of decorative motifs / 2
NK1320 .D37 2020 The design book. 1
NK1320 .P438 2006 Phaidon design classics. 1
NK1320 .P438 2022 1000 design classics / 1
NK1320 .S58 2017 Sozio-Design : relevante Projekte : entworfen für die Gesellschaft / 1
NK1320 .V4 Styles, meubles, décors, du Moyen Age à nos jours / 1
NK1330 Ornament and monstrosity in early modern art / 2
NK1340 .S2 1969b French decorative art, 1638-1793. 1
NK1340 .V36 1965 Vancouver collects decorative art of the 18th century. 1
NK1345 .T67x 2015  
NK1350 .L336 1986 Berain : dessinateur du roi soleil / 1
NK1352 .C6 1988 Courts and colonies : the William and Mary style in Holland, England, and America / 1
NK1355 .B35 2014 The spiritual Rococo : decor and divinity from the salons of Paris to the missions of Patagonia / 1
NK1355 .M65 1993 Regency design 1790-1840 : gardens, buildings, interiors, furniture / 1
NK1360 .J3 L'époque Louis XVI. 1
NK1370 .B93 1994 The design encyclopedia / 1
NK1370 .B93 2004 The design encyclopedia / 1
NK1370 .C64 1987 Towards post-modernism : decorative arts and design since 1851 / 1