Call Number (LC) Title Results
NK1264 .D39 1996 Celtic ornament : art of the scribe / 1
NK1264 .L4 Celtic ornament in the British Isles down to A.D. 700 / 1
NK1264 .M37 1993 Celtic design. 1
NK1264 .M377 1995 Celtic design. 1
NK1264 .M38 1993 Maze patterns / 1
NK1264.M43 C44 1993 Celtic design. 1
NK1264 .S68 1990 Celtic stencil designs / 1
NK1264 .Z3 1996 Celtic art and design / 1
NK1264.3 .H37 1981 Die germanische Tierornamentik in der Völkerwanderungszeit : Studien zu Salin's Stil I /
Die germanische Tierornamentik in der Völkerwanderungszeit Studien zu Salin's Stil I /
NK1264.5 .F83 Some aspects of the Ringerike style : a phase of 11th century Scandinavian art / 1
NK1264.5 .H86 2014 Tracing their tracks : identification of Nordic styles from the early Middle Ages to the end of the Viking period / 1
NK1270 .A7 Arabic art in color / 1
NK1270 .B3 1998 Islamic ornament / 1
NK1270 .B613 1973 Arabic geometrical pattern and design. 2
NK1270 .B75 2013 Islamic geometric design / 1
NK1270 .B7613 2019 Islamic geometric patterns / 1
NK1270 .G73 2018 Arts of allusion : object, ornament, and architecture in medieval Islam / 1
NK1270 .H85 Islamic ornamental design : 1001 ornamental motifs / 1
NK1270 .L3 1967 Morocco; Marrakesh, Fez, Rabat / 1
NK1270.L3 1967b Morocco : Marrakesh, Fez, Rabat / 1