Call Number (LC) Title Results
NK2195.O4 C76 2006 Architecture for architects / 1
NK2195.O4 I58 1999 The integrated workplace : a comprehensive approach to developing workspace. 1
NK2195.O4 M37 1994 Color in the office : design trends from 1950-1990 and beyond / 1
NK2195.O4 M37 2000 Office space planning : designing for tomorrow's workplace / 1
NK2195.O4 M9 2011 My desk is my castle : exploring personalisation cultures / 1
NK2195.O4 M93 2011eb My Desk is my Castle Exploring Personalization Cultures. 1
NK2195.O4 M94 1999 The creative office / 2
NK2195.O4 O34 Office solutions. 1
NK2195.O4 O5 2000 On the job : design and the American office / 1
NK2195.O4 P38 1996 The home office book / 2
NK2195.O4 P47 1991 The best in office interior design / 1
NK2195.O4 P5613 2005 Alberto Pinto corporate : contemporary offices. 1
NK2195.O4 P74 Executive style / 2
NK2195.O4 P74 1982 The office style book / 1
NK2195.O4 R38 1994 The office interior design guide : an introduction for facilities managers and designers / 1
NK2195.O4 R39 1997 Tomorrow's office : creating effective and humane interiors / 1
NK2195.O4 R39x 1997 Tomorrow's office : creating effective and humane interiors / 1
NK2195.O4 R87 2000 Lauren Rottet : the substance of style / 1
NK2195.O4 S53 2001 Design as an understanding of the business environment : the Switzer Group / 1
NK2195.O4 S53 2020eb New work, new workspace : innovative design in a connected world / 2