Call Number (LC) Title Results
NK3650 .P52 1978 Plains Indian beadwork : [exhibition] October 20, 1977-February 26, 1978, Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami. 1
NK3650 .R456 1966 Perlstickerei in Deutschland bis zur Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts. 1
NK3650.5.A35 P46 2008 African beaded art : power and adornment / 1
NK3650.5.A353 L32 2005 Beads of life : Eastern and Southern African beadwork from Canadian collections / 1
Your match would be here.
NK3650.5.S6 M67 1994 Speaking with beads : Zulu arts from Southern Africa / 1
NK3650.5.S62 K937 2012 Siyazama : art, AIDS, and education in South Africa / 1
NK3660 .A76 Artists' books. 1
NK3665 .B47 1998 Prunk-Kassetten : Europäische Meisterwerke aus acht Jahrhunderten = Ornamental caskets : eight centuries of European craftsmanship / 1
NK3665 .L57 2001 Neat and tidy : boxes and their contents used in early American households / 1
NK3668.5.A46 N38 2005 Amalia Amaki : boxes, buttons and the blues / 1
NK3668.5 .E665 1991 Buttons / 1
NK3669 .B35 2007 Texas political memorabilia : buttons, bumper stickers, and broadsides / 1
NK3670 .E6 Buttons. 1
NK3670 .S35 1979 Buttons : art in miniature / 1
NK3700.A52 B93 American Ceramic Society bulletin.
The bulletin of the American Ceramic Society.
NK3700 .C13 1963 Cahiers de la céramique du verre et des arts du feu : revue trimestrielle. 1
NK3700 .C46 Ceramics monthly. 1
NK3700 .C47 Ceramics, art and perception. 1
NK3700 .C473 Ceramic review. 1
NK3700 .N47 New Zealand potter. 1