Call Number (LC) Title Results
NK3840 .H44 1991 Hellēnistikē keramikē apo tē Makedonia / 1
NK3840 .I57 1984 Ancient Greek and related pottery : proceedings of the International Vase Symposium in Amsterdam, 12-15 April 1984 / 1
NK3840 .I58 1997 Ceramics in context : proceedings of the Internordic Colloquium on Ancient Pottery, held at Stockholm, 13-15 June 1997 / 1
NK3840 .I584 2013 Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. 1
NK3840 .J66 1986 Greek and Cypriot pottery : a review of scientific studies / 1
NK3840 .K4 1989 The pendent semi-circle Skyphos : a study of its development and chronology and an examination of it as evidence for Euboean activity at Al Mina / 1
NK3840 .L3 1963 Greek pottery. 1
NK3840 .L4 1969 Early Hellenic pottery of Crete. 1
NK3840 .L65 1987 The late Helladic I pottery of the southwestern Peloponnesos and its local characteristics / 1
NK3840 .O25 2013 The Greek vase : the art of the storyteller / 1
NK3840 .O87 1985 Die verzierte Keramik der Sesklo- und Diminikultur Thessaliens / 1
NK3840 .P68x 2013 Pottery markets in the Ancient Greek World : (8th - 1st centuries B.C.) : proceedings of the international symposium held at the Université libre de Bruxelles, 19-21 June 2008 / 1
NK3840 .P763 2003 Probleme der Keramikchronologie des südlichen und westlichen Kleinasiens in geometrischer und archaischer Zeit : internationales Kolloquium, Tübingen 24.3.-16.3.1998 / 1
NK3840 .R68 1989 La ceramica attica nel mediterraneo / 1
NK3840 .R68 1997 Hellenistic pottery : Athenian and imported wheelmade table ware and related material / 1
NK3840 .R69 1992 Greek and Greek-style painted and plain pottery in the Royal Ontario Museum : excluding black-figure and red-figure vases / 1
NK3840 .S3 1983 Griechische Töpferkunst : Herstellung, Handel und Gebrauch der antiken Tongefässe / 2
NK3840 .S63 2016 The pottery from Dhaskalio / 1
NK3840 .S65 1991 Greek pottery : an introduction / 1
NK3840 .S76 2014eb The Hellenistic and Roman fine pottery / 1