NK3850 .J687 2018eb
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies Volume 17. |
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NK3850 .L647 1909
Keramische Funde in Haltern : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der augusteischen Kultur in Deutschland / |
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NK3850 .L96 2015
Late Roman handmade grog-tempered ware producing industries in South East Britain / |
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NK3850 .M64
The Roman thin walled pottery from Cosa (1948-1954) / |
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NK3850 .M67
Céramique à vernis noir du Forum romain et du Palatin / |
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NK3850 .O7
An introduction to the study of terra sigillata treated from a chronological standpoint / |
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NK3850 .O78 1964
Index of potters' stamps on terra sigillata, "Samian ware" / |
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NK3850 .O89 1968
Corpus vasorum Arretinorum. : A catalogue of the signatures, shapes and chronology of Italian Sigillata / |
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NK3850 .O89 2000
Corpus vasorum Arretinorum : a catalogue of the signatures, shapes and chronology of Italian sigillata / |
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NK3850 .O9
Catalogue of Italian terra-sigillata in the Ashmolean Museum / |
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NK3850 .R599 2003
Instrumenta Urbis I : ceramiche fini da mensa, lucerne ed anfore a Roma nei primi due secoli dell'Impero / |
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NK3850 .R67 1997
Corpus titulorum figulorum / |
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NK3850 .R69 1976
Roman pottery in the Royal Ontario Museum : a catalogue / |
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NK3850 .R72 1981
Roman pottery research in Britain and North-West Europe : papers presented to Graham Webster / |
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NK3850 .R83 1995
Die verzierte Arretina aus Oberaden und Haltern / |
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NK3850 .S43 2013
Seeing red : new economic and social perspectives on terra sigillata / |
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NK3850 .S44 2005
Roman pottery production in the Walbrook valley : excavations at 20-28 Moorgate, City of London, 1998-2000 / |
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NK3850 .S68
La ceramica arrentina. |
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NK3850 .S78 2009
Studies on Roman pottery of the provinces of Africa Proconsularis and Byzacena (Tunisia) : homage à Michael Bonifay / |
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NK3850 .T73 2015
The ceramics industry of Roman Sikyon : a technological study / |
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