Call Number (LC) Title Results
NK4235 .K56 1986 Ceramic masterpieces : art, structure, and technology / 1
NK4235 .K7 Hand-built pottery. 1
NK4235 .L634 2013 Sculpting and handbuilding / 1
NK4235 .R87 Sculpture for the potter / 1
NK4235 .S47 Ceramics for the archaeologist. 1
NK4235 .S6 1983 Images in clay sculpture : historical and contemporary techniques / 1
NK4235 .T3 Ceramics for the table. 1
NK4235 .T39 2011 The ceramics bible : the complete guide to materials and techniques / 1
NK4235 .T39 2020 Ceramics masterclass : creative techniques of 100 great artists / 1
NK4240 .C47 2017 The ceramics reader / 1
NK4245 .M3 Ceramics and man / 1
NK4245 .M3 1965 Ceramics and man / 1
NK4250 .B6 A pottery sketchbook. 1
NK4250 .D49 2011 The pot book / 1
NK4252.E76 M37 2003 Sex pots : eroticism in ceramics / 1
NK4252.S63 C59 2016 Subversive ceramics / 1
NK4252.S63 P68 2021 Pots, prints and politics : ceramics with an agenda, from the 14th to the 20th century / 1
NK4265 .P47 2004 Naked clay : ceramics without glaze / 1
NK4265.5 .O24 1976 Objets d'art et de très bel ameublement : biscuit émaillé bleu de la Chine, porcelaine de la Compagnie des Indes, tapis, tapisseries : vente à Paris, Palais Galliera ... / 1
NK4270 .C35 1993 Tin-glazed earthenware : from Maiolica, Faience and Delftware to the contemporary / 1