Call Number (LC) Title Results
NK5349.A2 W53 1968b Stained glass in French cathedrals / 1
NK5349.A3 Rainbow like an emerald : stained glass in Lorraine in the thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries / 1
NK5349.A3 B876 1982 Stained glass in thirteenth-century Burgundy / 1
NK5349.A3 L675 1991 Rainbow like an emerald : stained glass in Lorraine in the thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries / 1
NK5349.A3 N675 1994 The armor of light : stained glass in western France, 1250-1325 / 1
NK5349.B44 C68 2006 Picturing the Celestial City : the medieval stained glass of Beauvais Cathedral / 1
NK5349.C5 D4 Les vitraux de la cathédrale de Chartres / 1
NK5349.C5 J6 The radiance of Chartres : studies in the early stained glass of the cathedral. 1
NK5349.C5 L54 The stained glass of Saint-Pere de Chartres /
The stained glass of Saint-Père de Chartres /
NK5349.C5 V5 1979 Les vitraux de Chartres / 1
NK5349.C6 W55 1993 Bread, wine, & money : the windows of the trades at Chartres Cathedral / 1
NK5349.M87 L56 1998 The Queen of Sicily and Gothic stained glass in Mussy and Tonnerre / 1
NK5349.P3 J67 2002 Visualizing kingship in the windows of the Sainte-Chapelle / 1
NK5349.P37 N48 2004 Der Meister der Apokalypsenrose der Sainte Chapelle und die Pariser Buchkunst um 1500 / 1
NK5349.R3 C38 1990 Sumptuous arts at the royal abbeys in Reims and Braine : ornatus elegantiae, varietate stupendes / 1
NK5349.R3 L55 2011 The Gothic Stained Glass of Reims Cathedral / 1
NK5349.S24 G76 Les Vitraux de Saint-Denis : étude sur le vitrail au XIIe siècle ... / 1
NK5349.S77 B49 1986 Les vitraux de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg / 1
NK5349.T6 B57 1932 Les verrières de la cathédrale de Tours : dessins et aquarelles de melle de Costigliole / 1
NK5349.6 Spiegel der Heilsgeschichte : typologische Bildzyklen in der Glasmalerei des 14. bis. 16. Jahrhunderts im deutschsprachigen Raum / 1