NK520.F8 P36 1977 v.12
The Teaching of the decorative arts : Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs et industriels modernes, 1925. |
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NK520.G3 F733 2022
Arts and crafts is cactus : the collection since 1945 / |
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NK520.G3 H34 2001
GeaECHTet : Fälschungen und Originale aus dem Kestner-Museum / |
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NK520.G3 N874 2004
Designmuseen der welt = Design museums of the world / |
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NK520.G7 L64 1970
The Art-Journal illustrated catalogue : the industry of all nations. |
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NK520.H4 H4
Kunst, Handwerk, Technik ur- und frühgeschichtlicher Zeit aus Heidelberg und Südwestdeutschland : Ausstellung des Kurpfälzischen Museums Heidelberg im Ottheinrichsbau des Schlosses vom 22. Mai bis 16. Oktober 1960. |
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NK520.I8 F63 1963
Forma e verità 1. : Firenze, Palazzo Capponi, 7-30 maggio '66 / |
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NK520.I8 F63 1966
Forma e verità 1. : Firenze, Palazzo Capponi, 7-30 maggio '66 / |
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NK520.I8 M544 1993
Mostra mercato antiquari milanesi : trentunesima edizione / |
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NK520.I8 V467 1984
The Treasury of San Marco, Venice / |
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NK520.N47 R67 1995
Treasures of the Tsar : Court culture of Peter the Great from the Kremlin / |
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NK520.P3 P35 1962
Antagonismes. 2 L'objet. : [Exposition réalisée par l'Union centrale des arts décoratifs / |
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NK520.S35 D45
Designer-craftsmen of the West, 1957 : exhibition, June 1 through July 31 / |
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NK520.V5 V5
100 [i.e. Hundert] Jahre österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst : Kunstgewerbe des Historismus. |
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NK520.Z8 K8
Die Boutique von gestern. : (Ausstellung) Kunstgewerbemuseum Zürich, 7. April-7. Mai 1967. |
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NK530 .P3 1951
English & other furniture, paintings, Georgian silver, Chinese porcelain, oriental rugs, laces & linens, table china & glass : all from private owners, including Mrs. Ogden Reid ... [et al.] ; public auction sale ... March 22 ... March 24. |
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NK530 .W2
Oriental collection of W. T. Walters : 65 Mt. Vernon place, Baltimore. |
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NK535.A36 R47 1958
Edward B. Aldrich, collector : an exhibition of furniture, ceramics and glass from his collection held at the Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, R.I., 10 September - 12 October 1958. |
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NK535.C68 E88 1998
The extraordinary in the ordinary : textiles and objects from the collections of Lloyd Cotsen and the Neutrogena Corporation : works in cloth, ceramic, wood, metal, straw, and paper from cultures throughout the world / |
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NK535.G57 M87 1982
Multiple visions, a common bond : the Girard Foundation Collection / |
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