Call Number (LC) Title Results
NK5811.R8 M67 1998 Avori preziosi : un aspetto sconosciuto dell'arte russa dalle raccolte del Museo statale di Mosca / 1
NK5815.S37 K47 2016 Chinese ivory carvings : the Sir Victor Sassoon collection / 1
NK5825 .B87 1984 Ivory and its uses / 2
NK5825 .H37 1991 The fascination of ivory : its place in our world / 1
NK5825 .M4 1966 Ivories. 1
NK5825 .P45 1982 Elfenbein : ein Handbuch für Sammler und Liebhaber / 1
NK5825 .T3 Les Ivoires : évolution décorative du Ier siècle à nos jours / 1
NK5825 .W5 The book of ivory / 1
NK5825 .W9 Notices of sculpture in ivory : consisting of a lecture on the history, methods, and chief productions of the art, delivered at the first annual general meeting of the Arundel society, on the 29th June, 1855 / 1
NK5850 .A96 2017 Gli avori Trivulzio : arte, studio e collezionismo antiquario a Milano fra XVIII e XX secolo / 1
NK5850 .B38 Ivory / 1
NK5850 .C87 1985 The craft of ivory : sources, techniques, and uses in the Mediterranean world, A.D. 200-1400 / 1
NK5850 .I9 1987 Ivory : an international history and illustrated survey / 1
NK5860 .C37 1985 Greek ivory-carving in the orientalizing and archaic periods / 1
NK5860 .H46 2017 Ancient ivory : masterpieces of the Assyrian empire / 1
NK5860 .I95 1992 Ivory in Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic Period / 1
NK5860 .M26 fasc.2 Ivories in Assyrian style : commentary, catalogue and plates / 1
NK5860 .M26 fasc.6 Ivories from the North West Palace (1845-1992) / 1
NK5860 .M27 The Nimrud ivories / 1
NK5860 .S7 2003 Carving as craft : Palatine east and the Greco-Roman bone and ivory carving tradition / 1