Call Number (LC) Title Results
NK5875 .R35 1993 The golden age of ivory : Gothic carvings in North American collections / 1
NK5890 .R5 1972 Modern ivory carving / 1
NK5895 .B35 2023 A merchant of ivory in 16th-century Paris : the estate inventory of Chicart Bailly / 1
NK5896 .D53 2013 Diafane passioni : avori barocchi dalle corti europee / 1
NK5897 .E44 Elfenbeinkunst des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts / 1
NK5910.A4 G54 2009 Gifts from the ancestors : ancient ivories of Bering Strait / 1
NK5925 .R48 2008 Rethinking Celtic art / 1
NK5942 .C313 Ivories of the West / 1
NK5942 .C313 1970 Ivories of the West 1
NK5942 .E87 Europäische Elfenbeinkunst vom Fin de Siècle bis zum Art Deco (1880-1940) : mit einem Anhang über Ferdinand Preiss, Erbach/Berlin. 1
NK5942 .I96 2005 Ivoires du Musée du Louvre, 1480-1850 : une collection inédite. 1
NK5942 .S36 2012 Das Elfenbein der Medici : Bildhauerarbeiten für den Florentiner Hof von Giovanni Antonio Gualterio, dem Furienmeister, Leonhard Kern, Johann Balthasar Stockamer, Melchior Barthel, Lorenz Rues, Francis van Bossuit, Balthasar Griessmann und Balthasar Permoser / 1
NK5943 .B42 Ivory carvings in early medieval England. 1
NK5943 .H68 King of the confessors / 3
NK5943 .L37 1983 Two ivory kings in the British Museum and the Norman Conquest / 1
NK5943 .L6 English ivories / 1
NK5943 .P37 1994 The Cloisters Cross : its art and meaning / 1
NK5949.A1 A96 Avori gotici francesi : Museo Poldi-Pezzoli, Milano, aprile-giugno 1976 / 1
NK5949.A1 G7 1900z French ivories / 1
NK5949.A1 G84 2022 French Gothic ivories : material theologies and the sculptor's craft / 1