NK9743 .S6
Church woodcarvings : a West Country study / |
1 |
NK9743 .W66 1999
Wooden images : misericords and medieval England / |
1 |
NK9744 .H88
The mediaeval woodwork of Manchester Cathedral / |
1 |
NK9749.A1 B563 2003
Corpus of medieval misericords in France, XIII-XVI century / |
1 |
NK9749.A1 K72 1975
The hidden world of misericords / |
1 |
The Romanesque wooden doors of Auvergne / |
1 |
NK9749.A3 A953
The Romanesque wooden doors of Auvergne / |
2 |
NK9749.P37 G54 1977
The clôture of Notre-Dame and its role in the fourteenth century choir program / |
1 |
NK9750.L36 B46 1997
Das Chorgestühl von St. Martin in Landshut : Instandsetzung, Untersuchungen zur Entstehung, Deutung der Bildwerke / |
1 |
NK9750 .O4
Altdeutsche Bildschnitzer der Ostmark / |
1 |
NK9750 .S36 1989
Die Holzskulpturen des Mittelalters (1000-1400) / |
1 |
NK9752.A1 N49 1990
The Italian Renaissance frames / |
1 |
NK9752.A85 B47 1996
Les chapiteaux et les stalles médiévaux d'Aoste : un bijou d'art roman au Val d'Aoste / |
1 |
NK9754 .B5
Het houtsnijwerk in Nederland tijdens de Gothiek en de Renaissance / |
1 |
NK9756.A1 K78
Russka︠i︡a narodna︠i︡a rez'ba i rospis' po derevu : iz sobrani︠i︡a Zagorskogo gosudarstvennogo istoriko-khudozhestvennogo muze︠i︡a-zapovednika / |
1 |
NK9756.A1 S63
Russka︠i︡a narodna︠i︡a rezʹba po derevu / |
1 |
NK9756.A1 S63 1934x
Russka︠i︡a narodna︠i︡a rezʹba po derevu / |
1 |
NK9756.A3 U43 1970
Ukraïnsʹka dekoratyvna rizʹba XVI-XVIII st. / |
1 |
NK9756.U35 M69
Ukraïnʹska narodna derevʹ︠i︡ana skulʹptura / |
1 |
NK9756 .U4
Ukraïnsʹke narodne mystetstvo : rizʹblennia ta khudozhniĭ metal / |
1 |