Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
NMB1.7..So8_3 | Report to the President by the Emergency Board, created July 18, 1947, under sec. 10 of the Railway Labor Act, as amended, to investigate and report on an unadjusted dispute between the Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific Lines), Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co., San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railway Co., and their employees represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, July 30, 1947. | 1 |
NMB1.7..St3 | Report to the President by the Emergency Board, Created Dec. 12, 1944, Under Section 10 of the Railway Labor Act. | 1 |
NMB 1.7:Sa 21 |
Report to the President by the Emergency board appointed January 5, 1946, pursuant to section 10 of the Railway labor act : to investigate an unadjusted dispute between the St. Louis San Francisco Railway Co. and St. Louis, San Francisco and Texas Railway Co., and certain of its employees represented by the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. Report to the President by the Emergency Board, appointed Jan. 5, 1946, pursuant to sec. 10 of the Railway Labor Act, to investigate an unadjusted dispute between the St. Louis, San Francisco Railway Co. and St. Louis, San Francisco and Texas Railway Co. and certain of its employees, represented by the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. |
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NMB 1.7: Se 1 | Report to the President by the Emergency board appointed December 15, 1944 : under the provision of the Railway labor act, to investigate and report in respect to the dispute involving the Seaboard air line railway company and certain of its employees represented by the Brotherhood of locomotive firemen and enginemen and the Brotherhood of locomotive engineers. January 17, 1945. | 1 |
NMB 1.7:Se 1 | Report to the President by the Emergency Board, Appointed Dec. 15, 1944, Under the Provisions of the Railway Labor Act. | 1 |
NMB 1.7:So 8 |
Report of Emergency Board, appointed Apr. 14, 1937, under Section 10 of Railway Labor Act, May 20, 1926, as amended June 21, 1934, in re Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, Order of Railway Conductors, Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, and Southern Pacific Company (Pacific Lines), and Northwestern Pacific Railroad Company. Report of the Emergency board appointed April 14, 1937, under section 10 of the Railway labor act, May 20, 1926, as amended June 21, 1934. : In re the Brotherhood of locomotive engineers, Brotherhood of locomotive firemen and enginemen, Order of railway conductors, Brotherhood of railway trainmen and Southern Pacific company (Pacific lines) and Northwestern Pacific railroad company. |
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NMB 1.7: So 8/2 | Report to the President by the Emergency Board : appointed March 28, 1945, from National railway labor panel, pursuant to Executive order 9172 issued May 22, 1942, and subject to section 202 of the Stabilization extension act of 1944 (Public Law 383, 78th Congress) to investigate the facts of a dispute between the Southern Pacific Company (Pacific lines) and certain of its employees represented by the Brotherhood of locomotive engineers respecting wage increases and certain proposed changes and additions to its rules, to adjust the disputes on the basis of the facts developed and make a report thereon to the President. July 12, 1945. | 1 |
NMB 1.7:So 8/2 | Report to the President by the Emergency Board, Appointed Mar. 28, 1945, From National Railway Labor Panel, Pursuant to Executive Order 9172, Issued May 22, 1942, and Subject to Section 202 of the Stabilization Extension Act of 1944 (Public Law 383 - 78th Congress) | 1 |
NMB 1.7:So 8/3 |
Report to the President by the Emergency Board created July 18, 1947 under Section 10 of the Railway Labor Act, as amended : to investigate an report on an unadjusted dispute between the Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific Lines), Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co., San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railway Co., and their employees represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, July 30, 1947. Report to the President by the Emergency Board, created July 18, 1947, under sec. 10 of the Railway Labor Act, as amended, to investigate and report on an unadjusted dispute between the Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific Lines), Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co., San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railway Co., and their employees represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, July 30, 1947. |
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NMB 1.7:So 8/4 | Report to the President by the Emergency Board appointed March 30, 1949 by Executive order 10048 pursuant to Section 10 of the Railway Labor Act, as amended : to investigate an unadjusted dispute between the Southern Pacific Company (Pacific lines), a carrier, and certain of its employees represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (N.M.B. case A-3016), San Francisco, Calif., April 29, 1949. | 1 |
NMB 1.7:So 8/5 | Report to the President by the Emergency Board appointed July 20, 1949, by Executive order 10071 pursuant to section 10 of the Railway labor act : to investigate a dispute between the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and the Southern Pacific Company (Pacific Lines) NMB cases A-3085, A-3086. San Francisco, California. Sept. 1, 1949. No. 77. | 1 |
NMB 1.7:St 3 |
Report to the President by the Emergency Board, Created Dec. 12, 1944, Under Section 10 of the Railway Labor Act. Report to the President by the Emergency board created December 12, 1944, under section 10 of the Railway labor act, to investigate and report on an unadjusted dispute between the Steelton and Highspire railroad company and certain of its employees represented by the Brotherhood of locomotive firemen and enginemen and the Brotherhood of railroad trainmen. December 30, 1944. |
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NMB 1.7:T 27 | Report to the President by the Emergency Board appointed August 6, 1947 pursuant to Section 10 of the Railway Labor Act : to investigate an unadjusted dispute between the Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis and certain of its employees represented by the Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, St. Louis, Mo., August 19, 1947. | 1 |
NMB 1.7:T 27/2 | Report to the President by the Emergency Board created March 18, 1948 by Executive order 9936 pursuant to Section 10 of the Railway Labor Act : to investigate and report upon a dispute between the Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis and certain of its employees represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen and the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, St. Louis, Missouri, April 7, 1948. | 1 |
NMB 1.7:T 27/3 | Report to the President by the Emergency Board created March 3, 1950, by Executive order 10114, pursuant to Section 10 of the Railway Labor Act, as amended : to investigate and report on an unadjusted dispute concerning rates of pay involving the Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis and certain of its employees represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (NMB no. A-3343), Washington, D.C., April 1, 1950. | 1 |
NMB 1.7:T 31 |
Report to the President by the Emergency Board appointed December 4, 1945 pursuant to section 10 of the Railway Labor Act : to investigate an unadjusted dispute between the Texas & New Orleans Railroad Company and Hospital Association of the Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana and certain of its employees, represented by thirteen railway labor organizations. Houston, Texas, January 5, 1946. Report to the President by the Emergency Board, appointed Dec. 4, 1945, pursuant to sec. 10 of the Railway Labor Act, to investigate an unadjusted dispute between the Texas and New Orleans Railroad Company and Hospital Association of the Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana and certain of its employees, represented by thirteen railway labor organizations, Houston, Tex., Jan. 5, 1946." |
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NMB 1.7:T 31/2 |
Report to the President by the Emergency board appointed March 2, 1946, pursuant to section 10 of the Railway labor act : to investigate unadjusted disputes between the Texas and New Orleans Railroad Company and certain of its employees represented by the Brotherhood of locomotive engineers and the Brotherhood of railroad trainmen. Houston, Texas. March 30, 1946. No. 32. Report to the President by the Emergency Board, appointed Mar. 2, 1946, pursuant to sec. 10 of the Railway Labor Act, to investigate unadjusted disputes between the Texas and New Orleans Railroad Company and certain of its employees represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, Houston, Tex., Mar. 30, 1946." |
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NMB 1.7:T 31/3 | Report to the President by the Emergency Board appointed February 10, 1950 pursuant to Section 10 of the Railway Labor Act (45 U.S.C. 160) : to investigate certain unadjusted disputes between the Texas and Pacific Railway Company and its subsidiaries, and certain of their employees represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, Order of Railway Conductors and Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen (NMB cases nos. 3137, 3261), Dallas, Tex., Mar. 9, 1950. | 1 |
NMB 1.7:T 57 | Report to the President by the Emergency Board appointed July 3, 1950, by Executive orders 10138 and 10139, pursuant to Section 10 of the Railway Labor Act, as amended : to investigate unadjusted disputes between the Toledo, Lorain and Fairport Dock Co. and the Toledo, Lakefront Dock Co. and certain of its employees represented by the International Longshoremen's Association, A.F. of L., a labor organization (NMB no. A-3380-3430), Toledo, Ohio, August 11, 1950. | 1 |
NMB 1.7:T 68 |
Report to the President by the Emergency Board, created May 7, 1946, pursuant to sec. 10 of Railway Labor Act, to investigate unadjusted disputes concerning rates of pay and working rules, between Transcontinental and Western Air, Inc., American Airlines, Inc., American Overseas Airlines, Inc., Braniff Airways, Inc., Chicago and Southern Air Lines, Inc., Delta Air Corp., Eastern Air Lines, Inc., National Airlines, Inc., Northeast Airlines, Inc., Northwest Airlines, Inc., Pennsylvania-Central Airlines Corp., United Air Lines, Inc., Western Air Lines, Inc., and certain of their employees represented by Air Line Pilots Association, International, Washington, D.C., July 8, 1946. Report to the President by the Emergency Board created May 7, 1946 pursuant to Section 10 of the Railway Labor Act to investigate unadjusted disputes concerning rates of pay and working rules between Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc. ... [et al.] and certain of their employees represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, International. |
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