Call Number (LC) Title Results
NR12/20.14/30 Geologic and hydrologic controls on coalbed methane, Sand Wash Basin, Colorado and Wyoming / 1
NR12/20.14/30/INTERNET Geologic and hydrologic controls on coalbed methane, Sand Wash Basin, Colorado and Wyoming 1
NR12/20.14/31 Coalbed methane in the Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado / 1
NR12/20.14/31/INTERNET Coalbed methane in the Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado 1
NR12/20.14/32 Directory and statistics of Colorado coal mines with distribution and electric generation map, 1995-96 / 1
NR12/20.14/33 Spanish Peak field, Las Animas County, Colorado : geologic setting and early development of a coalbed methane reservoir in the central Raton Basin / 1
NR12/20.14/34 Penetration charts of selected Colorado oil and gas fields / 1
NR12/20.14/35 Alkalic igneous rocks of Colorado and their associated ore deposits / 1
NR12/20.14/35/INTERNET Alkalic igneous rocks of Colorado and their associated ore deposits 1
NR12/20.14/36 Availability of coal resources in Colorado : Somerset quadrangele, west-central Colorado / 1
NR12/20.14/37 Geology and mineral resources of Gunnison County, Colorado / 1
NR12/20.14/37/INTERNET Geology and mineral resources of Gunnison County, Colorado / 1
NR12/20.14/38 Availability of coal resources in Colorado, Somerset coal field, west-central Colorado / 1
NR12/20.14/38/INTERNET Availability of coal resources in Colorado, Somerset coal field, west-central Colorado 1
NR12/20.14/39 Gas production characteristics of the Rulison, Grand Valley, Mamm Creek, and Parachute Fields, Garfield County, Colorado : turning marginally economic basin-centered tight-gas sands into profitable reservoirs in the southern Piceance Basin / 1
NR12/20.14/39/INTERNET Gas production characteristics of the Rulison, Grand Valley, Mamm Creek, and Parachute fields, Garfield County, Colorado turning marginally economic basin-centered tight-gas sands into profitable reservoirs in the southern Piceance Basin / 1
NR12/20.14/40 Geology and mineral resources of Park County, Colorado / 1
NR12/20.14/41 Available coal resources of the Williams Fork Formation in the Yampa coal field, Routt and Moffat Counties, Colorado 1
NR12/20.14/42 Geology and mineral resources of Lake County, Colorado 1
NR12/20.14/43 Paradox Basin, Colorado maps, cross sections and database for oil, gas, and CO₂ fields / 1