Call Number (LC) Title Results
NR6/181.2/C98/2006/INTERNET Conservation agreement for Colorado River cutthroat trout, oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus, in the states of Colorado, Utah, Wyoming 1
NR6/181.2/EL2/2001/INTERNET Eleven Mile Reservoir fishery management plan 1
NR6/181.2/R16/2006/INTERNET Range-wide status of Colorado River cutthroat trout, oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus, 2005 1
NR6/181.2/R16/2008/INTERNET Range-wide status of Rio Grande cutthroat trout, oncorhynchus clarki virginalis, 2008 / 1
NR6/181.2/R31/2009/INTERNET Resistant rainbow trout in Colorado current status and uses / 1
NR6/181.2/SP4/2001/INTERNET Spinney Mountain Reservoir fisheries management plan 1
NR6/181.2/W58/2010 Effects of whirling disease, (myxobolus cerebralis), exposure on juvenile mountain whitefish (prosopium williamsoni) / 1
NR6/181.2/W58/2010/INTERNET Effects of whirling disease, myxobolus cerebralis, exposure on juvenile mountain whitefish, prosopium williamsoni 1
NR6/181.2/YA2/1995 Interactions between endangered fishes and introduced gamefishes in the Yampa River, Colorado, 1987-1991 / 1
NR6/190.10/ Wildlife managers creel census report / 1
NR6/190.10/year Wildlife managers creel census report / 1
NR6/190.11/ Fish distribution report / 1
NR6/190.11/year Fish distribution report / 1
NR6/190.13/year Production and fish cost summary.
Fish production and cost summary /
NR6/190.14/ Fish planting schedule. 1
NR6/190.14/year Fish planting schedule. 1
NR6/190.15/ Fish planting schedule. 1
NR6/190.15/year Fish planting schedule. 1
NR6/190.9/R13/ Fish planting schedule. 1
NR6/190.9/W23/ Fish planting schedule. 2