Call Number (LC) Title Results
Nuova era 6930/31 Dafne in Lauro 1
Nuova Era 7152 Six concertos for the harpsichord with accompanyments [sic] for two violins and bass, opera X / 1
Nuova Era 7169-- Opere per chitarra e fortepiano 1
Nuova Era 7239 36 capricci op. 20 1
Your match would be here.
NUREG/CR-1004 A statistical analysis of selected parameters for predicting food chain transport and internal dose of radionuclides : final report / 1
NUREG/CR - 3535 Age-dependent dose-conversion factors for selected bone-seeking radionuclides / 1
NUREG/CR-5581 Unsaturated flow and transport through fractured rock related to high-level waste repositories : final report--phase III / 1
NUREG CR-5512 Residual radioactive contamination from decommissioning
Residual radioactive contamination from decommissioning : technical basis for translating contamination levels to annual dose /
NUREGCR-3178 Structural and tectonic studies in New York State : final report / 1
NV It,D La Nostra Vita. 1
NVO-1229-131 Radioactivity in water, Project Rulison 1
NW386-2 Rodgers and Hart's Babes in arms / 1
NW397-2 The New York Composers Orchestra / 1
NW398-2 Implement yourself / 1
NW Fr,D The New World. 1
NW Ru,D Night Watch. 1
NX Danse macabre. Temporalities of law in the visual arts /
ORLAN a hybrid body of artworks /
Queer difficulty in art and poetry : rethinking the sexed body in verse and visual culture /
Diálogo de las artes en las vanguardias hispánicas
Art auctions. Spectacle and value in the 21st century.
Avant-garde and criticism /
The Day of the Dead : a celebration of death and life /
The cosmic dance : finding patterns and pathways in a chaotic universe /
NX1 Impulse Archaeology.
Review of artistic education
NX1-820 Mao's Images : Artists and China's 1949 transition /
Proceedings of the 2024 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities and Arts (SSHA 2024)
Elements of Art Historiography in Medieval Texts : an analytic study /
A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings.
Dutch Silver Wrought Plate of the Central, Northern and Southern Provinces from the Renaissance until the End of the Eighteenth Century /
Vietnam Images War and Representation.
Dutch Silver : Embossed Plaquettes Tazze and Dishes from the Renaissance Until the End of the Eighteenth Century /
Dutch Silver : Embossed Ecclesiastical and Secular Plate from the Renaissance until the End of the Eighteenth Century /
Memory & Oblivion : Proceedings of the XXIXth International Congress of the History of Art held in Amsterdam, 1-7 September 1996 /
Cache (Hidden)
Blade runner /
100 Film Musicals.
100 Silent Films.
Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari.