Call Number (LC) Title Results
NX160 .S28 2020 Le partage de l'œuvre : essai sur le concept de la collaboration artistique / 1
NX160 .S635 2015 Come together : the rise of cooperative art and design / 1
NX160 .V66 1988 Voprosy metodologii i so︠t︡siologii iskusstva : sbornik nauchnykh trudov / 1
NX160 .W49 2023 Innovation in the arts : concepts, theories, and practices / 1
NX160 ebook Crear con consciencia : ética práctica para el trabajo creativo comprendido /
Grupos de discusión : estéticas y sabidurías emergentes /
NX161 Adaptation in the age of media convergence /
Where is adaptation? : mapping cultures, texts, and contexts /
Anthony Burgess, Stanley Kubrick and A clockwork orange /
NX161 .S33 2023 The scandal of adaptation / 1
NX163 Creating a freelance career /
The artist's journey : on making art and being an artist /
Your creative career : turn your passion into a fulfilling and financially rewarding lifestyle /
S'orienter dans les domaines artistiques et culturels : la méthode du carnet de bord /
The arts : a creative future /
NX163 .A14 1998 5000 artists return to Artists Space : 25 years / 1
NX163 .C57 The artist grows old / 1
NX163 .F56 2020 The big leap : an insider's guide to freelancing in the creative industries / 1
NX163 .F57 2013 When talent isn't enough : business basics for the creatively inclined : for creative professionals including artists, writers, designers, bloggers, Web developers, and anyone else looking to freelance or run their own business / 1
NX163 .G37 1999eb Opportunities in arts and crafts careers / 1
NX163 .G3813 2022 Presenting without pandering - self-marketing for creatives : a psychological guide / 1
NX163 .I46 2003 Impossible images : contemporary art after the Holocaust / 1
NX163 .K65 2020 Entrepreneurship for the Creative and Cultural Industries 1
NX163 .L68 2007 Creative careers : paths for aspiring actors, artists, dancers, musicians and writers / 1
NX163 .L68 2009eb Creative Careers : Paths for Aspiring Actors, Artists, Dancers, Musicians and Writers. 1
NX163 .M34 2020 The artist entrepreneur : finding success in a new arts economy / 1
NX163 .M53 1998 Icons & idols : a photographer's chronicle of the arts, 1960-1995 / 1