Call Number (LC) Title Results
NX180.P64 A65 2020 Precarious Forms : Performing Utopia in the Neoliberal Americas / 1
NX180.P64 A67 2021 African performance arts and political acts / 1
NX180.P64 A76 2021eb Art and activism in the age of systemic crisis : aesthetic resilience / 2
NX180.P64 A78 2017 Art as a political witness / 2
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NX180.P64 A797 2022 Art, migration, and the production of radical democratic citizenship / 1
NX180.P64 A83 2009eb Artists and intellectuals and the requests of power / 1
NX180.P64 A875 2019 Arts, politics and social movements : in the fields and in the streets / 1
NX180.P64 A89 2013 Art from a fractured past : memory and truth telling in post-Shining Path Peru /
Art from a fractured past : memory and truth telling in post "Shining Path" Peru /
NX180.P64 B76 2010 Above the battlefield : modernism and the peace movement in Britain, 1900-1918 / 1
NX180.P64 C64 2023 Don't look away : art, nonviolence, and preventive publics in contemporary Europe / 3
NX180.P64 C74 2018 Creative activism : conversations on music, film, literature, and other radical arts / 2
NX180.P64 C75 2023 Crisis and communitas : performative concepts of commonality in arts and politics / 2
NX180.P64 D576 2007 Dissimulazione onesta, oder, Die ehrliche Verstellung : von der Weisheit der versteckten Beunruhigung in Wort, Bild und Tat : Martin Warnke zu Ehren, ein Symposium (2003) / 1
NX180.P64 F47 2006 Cuba represent! : Cuban arts, state power, and the making of new revolutionary cultures /
Cuba represent! Cuban arts, state power, and the making of new revolutionary cultures /
NX180.P64 F48 2020 The Cuban hustle : culture, politics, everyday life / 1
NX180.P64 F57 2020 The play in the system : the art of parasitical resistance / 3
NX180.P64 F678 2020 What Comes After Farce 1
NX180.P64 G37 2018 Performing revolutionary : art, action, activism / 1
NX180.P64 H36 1937 Handbuch der Reichskulturkammer / 1
NX180.P64 H47 1998 Democratic artworks : politics and the arts from Trilling to Dylan / 1