Call Number (LC) Title Results
NX650.H57 Y68 2000 At memory's edge : after-images of the holocaust in contemporary art and architecture / 1
NX650.H57 Z54 2012 Ocaleni z Holokaustu : Artur Nacht-Samborski, Erna Rosenstein, Jonasz Stern / 1
NX650.H6 C66 2017 Coming out : sexuality, gender & identity. 1
NX650.H6 H36 2000 Lesbian art in America : a contemporary history / 1
NX650.H6 H66 1992 Homosexuality and homosexuals in the arts / 1
NX650.H6 M66 2011 Sister arts : the erotics of lesbian landscapes / 1
NX650.H6 P47 1995 Pervert : the Art Gallery, University of California, Irvine / 1
NX650.H6 Q43 1997 Queer representations : reading lives, reading cultures : a Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies book / 1
NX650.H6 S27 1986 Ganymede in the Renaissance : homosexuality in art and society / 1
NX650.H67 G68 2007 The Gothic / 2
NX650.H67 M39 2011 Politiche dell'irrealtà : scritture e visioni tra Gomorra e Abu Ghraib / 1
NX650.H67 T95 1985 Dreadful pleasures : an anatomy of modern horror / 2
NX650.H74 Del cuerpo al archivo foto, video y libro-performance en Chile (1973-1990).
Real likenesses : representation in paintings, photographs, and novels /
Leibhaftige Moderne : Körper in Kunst und Massenmedien 1918 Bis 1933.
Through the Prism of the Senses : Mediation and New Realities of the Body in Contemporary Performance. Technology, Cognition and Emergent Research-Creation Methodologies /
NX650.H74 B63 2002 Bodycheck : relocating the body in contemporary performing art / 1
NX650.H74 B63 2003 Bodily extremities : preoccupations with the human body in early modern European culture / 1
NX650.H74 B63 2016 Bodily extremities : preoccupations with the human body in early modern European culture / 1
NX650.H74 C674 2012 Le corps découvert / 1
NX650.H74 D45 2009 The body adorned : dissolving boundaries between sacred and profane in India's art / 2
NX650.H74 H53 2018 Híbridos : el cuerpo como imaginario / 1
NX650.H74 K38 1998 Bad girls and sick boys : fantasies in contemporary art and culture / 1