Call Number (LC) Title Results
NX650.T4 G3 1969 Naviglioincontri, 1969. 1
NX650.T45 N67 From myth to icon : reflections of Greek ethical doctrine in literature and art / 1
NX650.T48 A37 2009 The æsthetics of terror / 1
NX650.T48 A78 2014eb Arts and terror / 1
NX650.T48 T47 2008 Terror and the arts : artistic, literary, and political interpretations of violence from Dostoyevksy to Abu Ghraib /
Terror and the arts artistic, literary, and political interpretations of violence from Dostoyevksy to Abu Ghraib /
NX650.T5 K634 2010 Jetzt und Dann Zeiterfahrung in Film, Literatur und Philosophie. 1
NX650.T5 T46 2023 Temporal experiments : seven ways of configuring time in art and literature / 1
NX650.T5 T56 2013 Time / 1
NX650.T5 T564 2019 Time, forward! / 1
NX650.T5 T57 2013 Time & motion : redefining working life / 1
NX650.T5 T66 2007 Tomorrow. 1
NX650.T5 W33 1980 On time : Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, November 15, 1980 to January 25, 1981 : exhibition and catalogue / 1
NX650.T56 P47 2015 Performance and temporalisation : time happens / 2
NX650.T74 V47 2003 Sequoia : the heralded tree in American art and culture / 1
NX650.T75 O78 1998 Petrarcas "Trionfi" in Malerei, Dichtung und Festkultur : Untersuchung zur Entstehung und Verbreitung eines florentinischen Bildmotivs auf cassoni und deschi da parto des 15. Jahrhunderts / 1
NX650.V45 I46 2005 Ikonologie des Zwischenraums : der Schleier als Medium und Metapher / 1
NX650.V5 A53 2020 Ancient violence in the modern imagination : the fear and the fury / 1
NX650.V5 A67 2017 The aesthetics of violence : art, fiction, drama and film / 2
NX650.V5 B43 2014 Beauty, violence, representation / 1
NX650.V5 .B43 2014eb Beauty, violence, representation / 1