Call Number (LC) Title Results
Newspaper 29-X El Gorila. 1
Newspaper 933 The Ethiopian herald. 1
Newspaper 1385 Der Tagesspiegel 1
Newspaper 1494 Frankfurter journal 1
Newspaper 7002 Los Angeles examiner.
Hattiesburg American.
Hua Mei ri bao = China tribune.
The Hutchinson news-herald.
Oakland tribune.
The Utica daily press.
Newspaper 7156 The San Francisco call bulletin. 1
Newspaper 7211-X The Western mountaineer 1
Newspaper 7213 The Colorado Springs gazette and El Paso County news. 1
Newspaper 7418 Sunday morning chronicle. 1
Newspaper 7573 North Idaho press. 1
Newspaper 7814 The Great Bend daily tribune. 1
Newspaper 8160-X Saturday evening mail.
Saturday vox populi.
Newspaper 8222 Boston weekly journal. 1
Newspaper 8244 The repertory. 1
Newspaper 8583-X The Royal Danish American gazette. 1
Newspaper 8638 St. Louis post-dispatch. 1
Newspaper 8643 Missouri republican. 1
Newspaper 8671 The Nebraska City news. 1
Newspaper 8686 Scottsbluff daily star-herald. 1
Newspaper 8829-X The New York herald.
New-York daily tribune.
Utica morning herald and daily gazette.
New-York American.
Weekly Argus and rough-hewer.